Are you attracted by my cover images?
Yes, it is a wall full of real, pinky and fresh flowers.Isn't it romantic? ( and a good spot for girls to take photos!) 👏🏻
This is the latest theme, the romantic blossom, from Metroplaza Hong Kong! Three photo booths are designed for public to take photos, and few walls are decorated with bloosom! 🌸
Don't miss the chance if you are nearby. ☺️
是否被我的封面相片吸引了?對~ 是一幅佈滿粉色調的鮮花牆!是不是好浪漫?( 還是一個好地方拍照呢!👏🏻)

wow colors
This flower is very similar to Impatiens Walleriana, native to Africa but can adapt and develop in Asia. The flowers behind you, in the mural, are a kind of petunia of different colors.
Impressive your photos my friend @nicolemoker
Wow!! Flowers are so beautiful and you are also beautiful as like as flowers.
Wow your pictures are so nice lovely
What beautiful and romantic places, how I would like to be there with my partner!
where the picture is interesting and unique certainly many people every day go take pictures there @nicolemoker
Its realy beautifull wall
歐~~~ 好美!!!
Wow.. This is amazing.
The flowers, Environment, everything is just perfect. I would like to take a shot here 😂
Muuuuuuuuuaaaaaahhhhh 🌹 Anyways, keep it up.. I'll follow you for more of this. Please check out my blog too. @scantyhairedsamm