My high vibe Collard SALAD recipe & Colombian agriCULTURE

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

" Shirl? Why is it the produce that I buy doesn't last longer than two days ! I just bought these collard greens yesterday !"

The synchronicity of rooming with a foodie like me, here in Colombia. My roommate loves to feed people healthy food as I do...priceless! Although, it can get a little much for two chefs in one kitchen. Every other day there's a compromise for space in the fridge. Mostly due to the fresh food we all prefer. In the U.S., organic food last at least four days. Hmmm...It's very eye opening.

When I asked her about the best deals and organic options. She explained that most of the local small markets grow their food in a very traditional way. The larger markets here export a lot into the country, therefore making it more expensive than local vendors. Local vendors, they don't own several acres of land for growing nor can they afford chemicals and export. For this reason, without labeling, as they do in the U.S., the food in local markets are organic. You may even notice that leaving your fruit out over night, attracts insects. Some people find this unpleasant. I find it comforting that my food is nature approved.

Collard Salad Recipe:

1 batch of fresh Collards

1 Tbsp of Sesame Oil (optional)

Sea Salt (to taste)

1/2 cup of Sprouts

1/2 cup chopped cucumber

1/2 cup chopped Bell Pepper

1/2 cup chopped Tomatoe

1 Tsp of Chili Pepper

2 Avocados peeled/chopped

1 Tbsp of Apple Cider vinegar

1 Tsp of Garlic powder

* Destem collards and soak, massage for 10 minutes until clean. Roll collards like cigar, and chopped really thin. Crush and massage chopped collards with Avocado/Sesame oil. 

* Toss in remaining vegetables and sprouts

* Toss in vinegar

* Sprinkle the remaining spices and salt/pepper to desired taste