Living out of a suitcase for the last 6 months ......
has not been easy!!!
(although I admit to occasionally "suffering in comfort", LOL)
Today I will catch you up
with what's been going on since arriving back,
by air, after my five thousand kilometer, five day, epic,
cross-Canada extravaganza driving journey
( It Ain't Easy: )
to drop off the "onceuponamobile"
to my sister in southern Ontario.
the very luxurious "onceuponamobile"
has been replaced by a rental:
my somewhat less-luxurious "Rent-a-Wreck"
I'm holed up in this rather unassuming motel
(room no. 13, no less)
You can no doubt surmise
that I've fallen on hard times since Athens in May.......
....It ain't easy :-)
my Athens digs :-)
But, hey, what ya going to do?
I managed to put together the funds to buy a house in Loutraki
and wire them off to the seller's account.
Now I wait for my lawyer in Athens
to process my application for Greek residency
under the Golden Visa program.
And hopefully it all gets done soon
so I can attend Steemfest in November!
Without the residency permit,
I can't return to the EU until mid December.
I had used up my 3 months EU visa last July.
One cannot return until 6 months are up.
And I so badly want to wear
my new Steemit shirts at Steemfest LOL
Anyway, I'm leaving Terrace for good
in 3 days - flying to Toronto.
Then, if I don't hear good news
about my paperwork
being completed in a week or so,
I think that I will head to Istanbul,
to wait there for my paperwork...
or until mid-December....
whichever comes sooner!
over and out,
Suffering in style in Istanbul could be worse right!?! ;) Maybe all this sufi music is rubbing on you and making your head spin? Awesome!
Thanks for sharing the news as to what is up with you these days, it is always exciting to know what is up with the famous @onceuponatime. By the way, are the next vehicles going to be given the same name as the last one "onceuponamobile"? I loved that name, it deserved it too.
Namaste :)
Mercan Dede is the Boss!
I LOVE is music and presence, thank you so very much for sharing his music, along with his musicians, with us. Namaste :)
Ea un deleite
I travelled the world as a musician for almost 30 years. I found living out of a suitcase quite liberating. In fact now when I go back to the uk for a visit (I live in Vietnam) I take one moderately sized case and last time I went back for 10 weeks. Enjoyed your post though @onceuponatime. I've followed you and updated this one. You may wish to peruse my travel articles. Keep on Steemin'
But 10 weeks is not 6 months! And it sounds as if you have a home base, even if it is in Vietnam. I have no longer a home base - and I have had to get rid of everything that does not fit in my suitcases (including some very precious to me musical instruments). But I look forward to having a home base (or two) again soon :-)
The time fly
Haha ! In room 13, I love that number !! And I love your Steemit shirts :) Way to represent ! xoxo
Dam that really sucks, I hate that countries have the power to Deny a persons visa for such a stupid reason. @infovore inspired me to go last year by giving me a free steemfest ticket in his strem-mag contest. I was very excited to meet him at steemfest; Then his visa got denied and he wasn't able to come. Very disappointing, he was even going to give a talk.
I hope you will be able to make it to steemfest this year. You and @robrigo are the first two people I met; Very good memory for me. would be very sad if I could not see you both again. Sending energy for the best outcome.
My lawyer says that it is looking good that I will be ready in time for Steemfest.
Good news, now lets hope the lawyers are right and that not some paper guy leaves it on his desk... keep fingers crossed..
Very following fans <3 :)
Awesome, Glad you got a good lawyer. It is so weird how that is necessary to have in the world these days.
I'm also learning what it's like to live out of a couple backpacks! I am my own pack mule these days. Now Istanbul eh? You always keep us guessing! Well, let me know if you need some extra company there before Steemfest... I just might be able to swing a visit. :)
I'm up in the air myself. My lawyer now says that I may be able to come directly to Greece soon even if the paperwork is still being processed. I hope to know within a few days.
Hey, I've been reading this long story about the paperwork that I feel like its my close friend's issue lol That would be great if they let you come directly to Greece even if the paperwork will be still in the process. So you will escape the challenge to visit Istanbul - today it is no the safest place to go. Take care and thanks for sharing your story.
Have done this "hotel nomad" sometimes (not so long like you :D ) and yes, it is kind of fun but not for so long ... at least for me. I have to always comeback to a place I can call home or kind of.
And I hope you get all ur papers done in time for the Steemfest :D
Pd: Btw, talking about Steemit shirts and so on... Have you taken a look at my un-official Steemit store?
Not yet, but I will!
Thank you for the nice post.. I guess living from a suitcase is not handy, but I think a lot of people would love to try it.. It's great you almost bought the house.. I hope you get the residentie asap so you can follow your dream.. I am also interested what will happen more in Loutraki when you are there for a long time.. Unfortunately I will not be @ Steemfest but would love to wear the shirt and go in your place ;-) Thanks again for the post.. #CRYPTOLOUTRAKI
Well, if I don't see you at Steemfest, maybe I will see you in Loutraki.
I hope so, In the spring of 2018 I want to go.
That is kind of a crazy adventure. I hope all the paperwork comes out in time for You to be able to enjoy the steemfest
I work in Uk and live in Nehterlands so I use them all the time.Welcome to my life 😀!If you are doing a lot of bank transfers have a look at they are often giving a better deal versus banks as the money is kept in the country.
Also revolut is a company that offers the cheapest pay as you go direct debit card so lowest fees when taking money out of the atm.
Maybe it helps!
I hope to see you in Lisbon!!!!
What a gypsy man you are! Exciting plans ahead 🌷
My life is a never ending "journey". I left Bali with only one suitcase one year ago.🙀
How come you only had one suitcase. Aren't you allowed two?
Didn't feel to pay for another one:) I thought its better to start a "new life" with as little as possible. #lessismore
Well in that case you are my hero. I don't know how I could have gotten down to 1 suitcase. It would have been easier to get down to none - that way no having to choose what to leave behind. And that has happened to me before, actually. I had all my possessions packed into a couple of suitcases and a backpack. And I left them outside a friend's house waiting for him to come home. Went for a walk. Came back and they were all gone! Down to zero. That was in Arizona.
Another time I was leaving the Yukon after living there for a year. Crossing the country by Greyhound with all my stuff in a couple of duffel bags under the bus. For the first couple of thousand kilometers I would get out and check at every stop until the luggage compartments under the bus were closed again. Eventually, I got lazy and stopped getting out and checking at each of the dozens of stops. Well, when I got to my destination, you can guess what I saw. My bags were gone and I was down to nothing again!
OMG! What a story!
I guess we have to learn early enough that we actually don't need much anyways and even though you loose so many precious valuable things doesn't really matter.
"We come with nothing and we will go with nothing"
It's been some time I wanted to write about this topic and now you flamed and inspired me.
Such stories need to be told!
You are a wise and experienced man with lots of adventures! 🙌💫
I hope to see you in Lisbon!
omg...Mr. Onceuponunlucky... thats bad. We have that in europe also... uncontrolled luggage "under" the passengers of busses... stealing is so unfair!!!
My living circumstances at the moment tie me to the house and I can only wander off in my mind, dreaming of a travelling life as a vagabond. But I guess, it's always a matter of a healthy balance. If you don't have a homebase to come back to after travelling, chances are you might get lost. But I remember, you are one who knows what he is doing, so I am not concerned ;) I wish you good luck with your Greek ambitions!
It wears thin, after a while. "Been there, done that" in my early 20's, for about 18 months... it was more exciting then because I was "young and hopeful" but that was offset by being broke... even then, I realized there are certain comforts of life you just can't have in a suitcase.
I have no experience with Greece, but my parents were expats and property owners in Spain for many years, and it was a pretty smooth lifestyle one the initial paperwork was in place.
I hope the legalese and immigration-ish stuff settles for you sooner, rather than later. With the general state of the Greek economy, one would think they'd fast track anyone who's already committed to investing financially in real estate... all the best to you.
I did many years on the road in my youth too. You're "cute" sleeping in parks and train stations and airports when you're a teenager. You'r just a dirty old man if you try to do it later in life :-)
Hello, sir:)!
I've seen you are proudly wearing a Steemit logo T-shirt and I'm very glad this logo is spreading more and more. I want to contribute to this expansion of Steemit and I did a Steemit Art Logo pendant for ladies and a Steemit Art Logo keychain for gentelman:) I would realy appreciate your feedback on that:) It's on my last post. Thank you very mych and good luck!:)
I was very happy for you when your Tabla' accompanied your luggage! My hope is to visit you in Greece. I fore see everything going smoothly!!! ;) Read you later!
Thanks for your help!
I was happy to do my best to help/support your in embarking on your new adventure.
Love the steemit shirt! Hopefully, you will get to wear it at steemfest! Room 13? Wow. Not a very auspicious number...Just found you and will follow. Upvoted and resteemed because of your wonderful adventures.
There are varying opinions on the number 13!
Thanks for your support.
I always love the names you give like "Rent-a-Wreck". Curious what will you call your new Loutraki home 😊
BTW, is no. 13 there considered a good omen or bad? I think it's different at different places.
I think most superstitious people here consider 13 an unlucky number, but I'm quite the opposite.
As to a name for my new home, how about "Onceuponaplace?"
Wow, that's so original and bold of you ...going against the establishes social mindset doesn't come that easy!
Yeah, I liked the name 😊. How about adding an extra letter and say "onceuponapalace"? 😉
Hey, c'mon, would ya. I'm already having problems with delusions of grandeur without naming my house that!
LOL! Yeah, true. Reminded me of your post on that. Ha ha ha!
I think you will soon see the documents. All European countries very much lyat those who buy from them real estate.
But I already bought the real estate! The bureaucrats don't care now :-)
You are living one of my dreams, to be able to pack everything in a suitcase and just fly, fly away. I am pretty used to moving away my stuff, I am after all a nomad :P I can't stay put in one place, but since I got my cat..things are different :) especially when it comes to traveling.
Safe travels and good luck with all the paperwork!
Traveling is great, but so is having a home base.
Ah, yes! That would be great..problem is that at this point in my life, nowhere feels like home.
I set of traveling at the age of22, had a completely mad life, and 27 years later, I can totally agree with that sentiment.
It takes time for roots to take hold somewhere, and you can't really cheat it (pesky time).
one of many posts about my adventures on the road. You might enjoy them.
Make a map of the world your dart board then LOL
i am like.

Bet you miss home comforts
But I suffer in comfort whenever possible :-)
At least you had 3 suitcases with you! :) Where you on a road trip as in vacation for 6 months, or was this a work thing?
I moved out of my rented home and got rid of most of my "stuff" more than 6 months ago. I then went to Europe for 3 months and had hip replacement surgery while there. Now, back in Canada, I live in motels while I await paperwork for my next move. As for three suitcases - yes, I always try to do my suffering in as much comfort as possible.
wow, what a trip you were/are on! leaving all behind, come to a strange place and have surgery! greece, one of the few countries I never been to in Europe, but must be a great place! weather all good, food all good! I hope all good with your hip. and paperwork, hopefully all good as well. on the comfort side of things: I fully understand; I camp a couple times a year, at festivals, and try to do that in style and comfort as well, camper + good food + all stuff a normal camping person would leave at home, from cosy cushions to all the gear to bake/cook etc etc :)
Wow this is so cool man ✌️ I'm absolutely envious!! I'm so happy your enjoying your life my friend !! Traveling and living life .. doesn't get much better it gives me hope i can achieve the same thing :) everytime I see a post about travel it inspires and motivates me even further to pursue my dreams of music, writing and all my other creative passions. I'm so grateful for steemit because it's become my biggest outlet! I finally feel I have a real chance to make it somewhere . I actually went on a 5 day backpacking trip through the adirondacks with my dad not so long ago. Lol kinda random but I found out it's not far from Canada . Anyway man have a blast if you get to steemfest! It should be absolutely amazing! I'd go if I could but il have to wait till next year I suppose . Thankyou for inspiring me @onceuponatime ! I look forward to your next post :)
Backpacking in the Adirondacks sounds pretty damn fine!
Oh man it was absolutely incredible .. especially spending such solid time with my dad :) il never forget it ! I got some great pictures! You ever been over there ?
No, never been there. Let me know when you have done a post with the pictures.
Se nota que eres sincero atento a todos respondes y amable .
I already do !!! I posted it 4 days ago.. I believe it's exactly 4 posts down from my latest one. I think you'd like it I really tried to capture my experience ! There's a couple shots I got of a purple sunset and il never forget it as long as I live ! I wanna make my way through Canada next time ;) my dad tells me there's great hiking and backpacking terrain but I wouldn't have the slightest clue where
Yup, that's quite the purple sunset!
Indeed it was ! Colors I never thought I'd see in a natural setting :) thankyou for stopping by and your support . I'm happy you liked it ! Glad we could connect ..
Congratulations for your new house in Loutraki
I wish I could go to Steem fest but can't travel this year
Have a lovely time on your journeys
So long living out, 6 mounth ?
maybe it's a pleasure in itself, must have found many unexpected things in many places.
Turkey Interesting destination
Awesome Travel Specially your T-Shirt I love it Most. We all Have to Experience New Things ust Like You
Thanks @onceuponatime
I pray what you want and finish in all things to be finished and finished without any hindrances and obstacles
nice car and also photography.
thank you for share.
Nice t-shirt with steem logo made by stitching rather than printing.
Yes, the stitching is much nicer I think, and after the first one not much more expensive.
What an Amazing Photos and your snaps are showing your great Love with #Steemit. I also LOve Traveling . Upvote & start following you !
Great post. Just wanted to state what I noticed in this post, which I crave your indulgence if off point. I noticed that you used the 'Go steemit' to conceal the plate number of the 'onceuponamobile' and you did not allow that of the 'rent-a-wreck' to be visible. I call that steemit wisdom. Yes we are here to socialize and share, but people should also learn to be careful, so they do not get themselves in trouble. Tanx for such example, and I really hope you see the documents. Tanx
awesome picture i can't understand is that mosque in your last picture
I needed a photo of Istanbul from a free-to-use website. That photo on looked interesting.
As much as travelling is awesome, I get that sometimes it's so tiring.
The flights man. The flights! It can be a real drag. Haha.
Been there done that. I was working a job where I was living in hotels all year. It's not that bad, I stayed in some really nice places. But it does get old.
I've been "hotel homeless"/"digital nomad"/whatever since April of this year, and it's pretty great so far. I find the key is to find cheap places you can stay for a week or two in-between (and close to) the places you bounce between.
For example, I am in SF, Chicago, and NYC a lot. I have a super cheap place in Detroit (my hometown) where I can go when I just need to work for a week or two in between 5-10 day trips to the coasts or Chicago. Same goes for Europe - it's cheap to stay in Berlin for two weeks, not so much in London. I buy one-way tickets so I don't have to decide in advance how long I want to stay in a place.
Good luck with your visa @onceuponatime, it will be great to see you again at the second annual. :)
How do you get around the 3 month EU limitation?
Bounce out of eu to turkey or north africa and get another visa, Ireland is the best one or UK to get travel visa for US or Canadian citizens, then you can travel on from there. Actually you could probably just go to Switzerland or Norway too as they are not part of eu. Good luck with travels. I just realised that there is the 6 month wait in between visas, get a travel work visa in Ireland as I think theyre pretty relaxed.
Switzerland and Norway are both part of the Schengen treaty area and enforce the same 3 month visa and 6 month in between visas with the EU countries.
I spend less than 50% of my time in the Schengen Area, and never more than 85-89 days at a time.
I used to have a German residence permit, though.
Yes it does get old!
The trick is to drink more. No, enjoy the trip. I still remember the good times I had. Have a good evening or day or whatever.
I think you will soon see the documents. All European countries very much lyat those who buy from them real estate.
Let's hope so!
wish your all the best.Great travel experience and good post. thanks @onceuponatime
Wow... I said your t-shirt just Wow, I think I need one of them :D And hope everything will be okay before the next steemfest! And hope you can be there with the t-shirt!
Actually I can't believe what kind of life you are spending! Yeah a travelers' life with superb experiences! Hope you will get that Greek Visa and we can see your excellent article about SteemFest and so on!@onceuponatime,
Thank you very much for sharing such wonderful experiences and photography with us! Really appreciate it!
Thanks for your encouragement. (I need it sometimes).
You are welcome and hope everything will be alright! By the way that's a great idea to make a steemit t-shirt :D I will try it!@onceuponatime,
And hope you will attend the Steemfest in November too... :) Moreover, this T-Shirt of yours is very nice and really impressive.. I also like to have this kind of one... :) So again, i wish you all the best Sir... Thanks...@onceuponatime - Actually, Travelling is a very significant thing that can be ensured the Peace of Mind. So it is not so easy for not having a travelling experience, if one got used to it.. It must be so hard... :) And also i would like to wish you good luck for the success of your process of the Greek Residency.
+W+ [Upvoted]
You should get a shirt made for yourself then. I am in a small town and was still able to arrange it.
:) Ahh is that so? I would really love to have one. Let's see... I will definitely try this out.... :)
Wow !
Interesting !! Beautiful place !!
Enjoyed your post .
I want that steemit t-shirt.
Hope everything works out for you, Paul. Let's connect and catch up. Upvoted for you, my friend!
Nice T-shirt :-)
I hope to see you in Lisbon. we are organizing some nice (I hope) Art events there :)
I hope so too!
yes it's note easy , Deserve respect
Glad to have you in our neighborhood man.
Kudos on the house. Looks more like a grand hotel though. I' ve heard there are pretty good deals on housing in Greece since the economic crisis.
That is a hotel, the one that I stayed at in Athens while I was recovering from surgery.
The house I bought is in Loutraki, not Athens.
Love your t shirt and travel is awesome, anything to keep moving on and seeing and experiencing new things
6 months is a long time. I lived out in 1 month in Hong Kong with a break of 2 weeks and than another month again. That was like the longest suit case stint for me .
Good you found your home and making your way to steemfest.
Have a good trip. I think I read someone is also heading to Turkey too. :-)
Thanks. Are you going to Steemfest?
You're welcome. No, not going. Too far, too expensive and most important still have some real work to do and need the money from there. :-)
Hopefully, next time it comes to Asia but I think more likely a US destination though the first 2 are in Europe.
How about a Canada Steefest instead of US?
Canada will be interesting especially some place with nice fall colors but if it is bigger mass participation that is the objective, i bet my money on USA. 😎
@onceuponatime not easy indeed, i once lived out of a suitcase for 2 years. when i got back home i found it difficult to unpack my clothes and hang them up in cupboards, as i was always expecting to have to leave soon. lol goodluck on your journey.
Two years!
Travelling and seeing much from countries is Always nice. And I see you saw so many places. But living in motels and change day by day is not so convenient. Good you found a place to stay longer, and build up new friends and contacts.
Have fun on the steemparty and steem on
Wow what an amazing post and your t-shirt is awesome. Enjoy your trip man.
Omg! What a beautiful place in Istanbul! No wonder why many people come to this place. Wish to come but only in a dream.