The desire of traveling to Caracas was always in my mind, to meet the capital city of my country, Venezuela; however, I never made a plan for this trip, I suddenly had the oportunity to adventure myself towards the crowded Caracas. For the first time in my life I stayed for a undefined quantity of time in a place.
I heard from some friends that in the "big Caracas" there are amazing places, 8 hours traveling were enough to be received with its such contrasting environments. It all different from my town, !ay! Ciudad Bolivar.
Between diverse skin tones and faces I found myself with this populous city that has aproximately 6.253000 habitants and whose official name is "Santiago de León de Caracas"
¿Why Caracas in 3 times?
To meet the wonderful places from Caracas takes a long time, however, in my stay here I could meet with several friends in a satisfying but fast route inside the most important places in the beautiful city.
A curious fact is that Caracas is located inside a valley that has the coastal range by the north, which is conformed by the Waraira Repano National Park (the Ávila hill)
The Waraira Repano
At 9:00 am from the entrance of Sabas Nieves in Altamira, a spectral and colorful tunnel teleported me, to the vegetable lung of the big city, the Waraira Repano National Park, here was the beginning of my trip to the Humboldt Hotel, which is 9.6 km away from the starting point of this adventure.
Among the humility that characterizes the Venezuelan, I found a gentleman who submerged in the most sublime musical thread, played his bandola smiling and transmitting his joy to everyone he saw passing by.
The only kiosk that there is in the whole journey can be found at the beginning of the route, where you can buy *** delicious Cocadas (coconut sweet), it is not a coincidence that they sell this drink, since the Coconut is the fruit with the highest caloric value, it provides us with phosphorus, which participates in the energetical metabolism of our organism and for normal muscle activity potassium is very favorable, in addition, it intervenes in the water balance inside and outside the cell.
When you climb the Ávila walking, you realize that Caracas has a beautiful plant lung; without a doubt, this city is full of people from all sides, and when you enter the travel to the Ávila, you can observe how a lot of people are going there to get distracted, exercise, relax with family, friends, as a couple or with the puppies.
The most surprising thing was to meet with people of the third age, going up and down, with such an energy that I did not even feel, the spirit of joviality that they transmitted was incredible and every time I met with one, I asked him the question How long did it get to Humboldt? They answered with laughter, little was missing, about 5 hours and as more went up, more time they told me that it was missing.
Between the diversity of nature and the immensity of the trees, I notice something that caught my attention.
I found the roots of a tree that simulate, from my perspective, as if the tree tried to step on a person; I was surprised by what my eyes saw and I could not avoid photographing such a wonderful scene.
The experience was unique, between the fatigue and the desire to reach the goal, I spent 9 hours walking inside the mountain, passing through trails, through very narrow places and very open spaces.
On the way I had to stop about 4 times, because I started to feel general malaise and fever, every time we went up, the height and the cold hit me more.
The adventure of climbing to the Humboldt, was very pleasant indeed, I had the pleasure of having the company of two friends from Caracas belonging to the community of Steemit @jimhutch and @manuelramos. I find it curious and impressive how the cybernetic put us together to go up to this magical and imposing mountain.
Despite the discomfort that invaded my body, the desire to move on was stronger, and my strength of will much greater, since returning meant to surrender and leave without knowing the historic monument.
After several hours of walking and walking I came to an impressive place, where I could observe the majestic sky full of clouds, very cold. For me it was something so relaxing that I sat down to see that landscape, you can not imagine the good vibes and the energy that is felt up there, for a moment the discomfort went away, however I was still a little crestfallen but my strength was still there.
Now, with a little more encouragement, the Hotel Humboldt was seen far away, it was not an illusion, it was true, for the first time and in just one day I climbed the Waraira Repano, up to one of its tops. Among the trees, in the sky appeared a beautiful sunset that marked my memory.
I can only tell you that this experience is unique, do not hesitate to venture and live a different time. Come to Caracas make it a great adventure.
With a smile and eyes slanted by the cold, I hope you have the opportunity to live this experience that is unique, do not hesitate to venture and live a different time. Come to Caracas and make it a great adventure, I'll leave you a video with anecdotes of this experience.