So, this is kinda off topic, I just wanted to say that you're really attractive, but I'm sure you probably hear that a lot and its probably annoying lol.
Anyways you post some good stuff. Not always that informative lol(to me), but entertaining. Very long posts too, which is good, shows you got passion for your posts.
Keep up the awesome work! Make that mulah$$$
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thanks for the sweet compliments our-world! At least you find some of them entertaining, so i'm grateful for that, I really like pictures as you've realised so they tend to stack up! Thanks again
Your welcome! Btw the kittens on your one post are super cute! My cat's actually in heat right now smh, VERY annoying, but I love her. Have a good one sweetsssj
must be noisy 😅 you too ourworld!
Yea, really noisy, not sleeping much the last couple nights, A couple more days and she should be back to normal. My dog has no clue why she's doing that lol, he turns his head to the side.
It must be really quite loud heat session.. my queen isn't actually too bad, I hardly notice it!
That's good. My cat like howls lol, and anytime I speak, she'll start up again. So I just try to be quite and not talk at all smh.
How old is your cat?