Looking for some history of this little germany, I found this:
Venezuela is just one of the many destinations in Latin America where they emigrated in the 19th century Germans. Maybe, it's one of the least known destinations. In fact, Venezuela was not a traditional receiving country of German immigrants, but rather of Italians and Canaries. In the year 1870 there were barely 1000 Germans living there. The first large group of German immigrants was composed of 374 settlers from the Kaiserstuhl and the Black Forest. They disembarked in 1843 in La Guaira. After traveling 120 km on foot, they arrived at the land they had been assigned. It was an area surrounded by mountains, only 35 km in a straight line from Caracas, which had been offered by the great landowner Martín de Tovar.
Taken from the website
For years they had many difficulties
And even so, they manage to get ahead and now they are a very visited tourist site
The height of about 1,800 above sea level,
It enjoys a very cool climate of around 16 °
They have many handmade products
and very delicious meals
Cheesecake uhmmm
Enjoy its so pure, natural landscapes with many trees and flowers
In truth, God gave us this valuable family time where we could get out of the routine and enjoy
Psalm 104
Praise the Lord, my soul.
Lord my God, you are very great;
you are clothed with splendor and majesty.
The Lord wraps himself in light as with a garment;
he stretches out the heavens like a tent
and lays the beams of his upper chambers on their waters.
He makes the clouds his chariot
and rides on the wings of the wind.
He makes winds his messengers,[a]
flames of fire his servants.
He set the earth on its foundations;
it can never be moved.
Thanks God
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