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RE: New Orleans Creole-Cajun Cuisine Top Eats (Part 2)

in #travel9 years ago

If you are still in town, go down to Jacques-Imos on Oak Street, you will not regret it.

I moved out of New Orleans is 2005, but if Jacques-Imos is anything like it used to be, it is well worth it.

I'd recommend the Alligator Cheesecake.


Wow wish I new about this!!!! I am back home. Another reason to go back! I only had the fried alligator. I need to try this! Thank you so much!'

If you like spicy, I just posted THIS CHALLENGE if you're interested. Also, I've got to get back down to New Orleans, it's been more than a decade. :-(

I love spicy can't eat without it actually! Thank you