You would love this part of the portuguese coastline! And this one is kind of a known beach, there are several smaller ones equally beautiful, where you would likely be alone in this time of the year! Hope everything is fine on that end. Cheers, mate! !BEER
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I can imagine :) Happened to me a few times on Sao Miguel too, I mean finding myself on a beach where there was literally nobody else but me :)
Are you going to the HiveFest?
Not this year; still considered it, but abandoned the idea a month ago, the timing was bad. Now seeing all the action in Hivefest telegram channel I'm more and more sorry for not going; and to top it up, loved Croatia when I visited. Maybe next year! Are you going to Split?
Yeah, same here. I love Croatia, I would love to meet all the amazing people again but bad timing for me too. Just too much stuff happening IRL :( Let´s read all those exciting HiveFest reports from the lucky ones who could go at least ;)
Even the telegram channel alone is enough for withdrawal symptoms! :)) Glad for all the Hivefest posts!