Dear Stemmit friend
Today I am going to talk to a stunning place to visit ...... the capital of Hungary .......
His Parlament is something which you can't absolutely miss .... simply elegant and sumptuous
To visit inside I suggest to you to book the ticket in advance through the website and if you are lucky you will find the change of the Guards!/v/philfreetotravel/o28ulmr8
Impressive is St.Matthias Church, his internal and the view towards the other side of the river Danube
If you would see the city from an higher altitude you should reach the top of the hill in Cytadela park
If you like to go the highest point in Budapest you should go to Elizabeth look out on the west part of Buda
I enjoyed the funicular to reach the top of the hill, the view around some green hills and the city.
Budapest is beautiful and attractive by night as well.... walking to see the other side of the river .....
Nightlife in this city is incredibly intense you should go and have some drink szimpla pub one of the best ruin pub in the planet I went inside I really got attract by the atmosphere and impressed how big and decorated was it.
Sorry I did not take good quality photos inside because of the lights........
I went to the Varosliget park famous in Budapest for its baths and look at what I found .........
I am not the only one who loves Budapest ........ one of the most beautiful capital I visited in Europe.
Hey I just wrote a post on Budapest Nightlife check it out, we made a nice video too: