Imperial Palace in China

in #travel7 years ago


In the East there are many beautiful and colorful attractions, but the most amazing of them is the imperial palace in China. It is surrounded by a high wall of stone and is in the center of the city itself. The palace was built in 1420 and until the last of the Chinese emperors left the throne in 1911, the palace served as a residence for 24 emperors from the Qing and Ming dynasties. During these X centuries the walls of the palace survived many events.

The Imperial Palace was also called the "Forbidden City" in ancient times, through its resemblance to the fortress and its seclusion. The emperor Zhu Di of the Ming dynasty began to build it and the construction lasted more than 14 years. The architects managed to create one of the most magnificent ensembles in the world, in which the number of pavilions, as well as gazebos and other buildings inside, reached up to 9995 items.

The fact is that in ancient times, the Chinese believed that the heavenly king has ten thousand rooms, and the tsar of the earth could not equal him. The whole palace is built of wood and many times it was exposed to fires. However, the most part has retained its original appearance and at the moment there are more than 9000 buildings in the complex. Gugun is considered one of the best preserved palace ensembles. Rest in China should start with an excursion here.


The Imperial Palace of Guogun, even in China, is considered a grandiose construction. According to historical data, more than one hundred thousand masters and about a million workers were hired for its construction, and materials were taken from the entire Chinese empire. Many legends and stories are associated with the erection of the palace, no less than the Great Wall of China.

The Forbidden City is divided into two main parts, the first of which includes external pavilions, and the second is intended for internal residences. At the entrance there are pavilions intended for ceremonies and important state affairs, and in the northern part - pavilions for family festivities. On both sides of the palace there are six pavilions in which the Emperor's concubines lived. If you look at the layout of the palace of the emperor in detail, you can see that it was made exactly with the requirements of rituals, political processes and customs of that time. The entire Forbidden City is like a separate world, suddenly cut off from the surrounding life, a place beyond time.


In ancient times, when Beijing was surrounded by a fortress wall, the road leading through the nine gates led to the palace of Gugun. It was the axis for the Forbidden City and for the whole empire. And the palace was considered to be the heavenly center of everything. The largest pavilion of the whole ensemble - Taehegyan with a height of 35.5 meters occupied a central position on the axis. It was in it that the main state events took place, the most important holidays, including the birthday of the emperor. Every morning in the courtyard of the pavilion, the area of ​​which is 30 thousand square meters. meters were built guards in complete equipment for the ceremony of meeting the emperor.

The Imperial Palace in China is not just a museum now. It can not be an ordinary museum at all, it must be learned to understand, to feel not only beauty, but also the greatness surrounding the history of this place from all sides. It is absolutely necessary to visit all those who came to China. The palace keeps untold treasures, more than one million of the most ancient cultural monuments of different dynasties: from the oldest Shan (16-11 centuries BC) to the last one - Qing (1644-1911).

Bronze statuettes and funerary statues, silk items and amazing jewelry, samples of quaint calligraphy and porcelain products of inimitable beauty. All these amazing things can tell a lot of interesting things about Chinese culture, one of the most ancient in the world. In China, many places for recreation, come here and you will not remain indifferent.


15 SBD на памп поста отвалил, не отобьется ведь!))

Я знаю. Это же рулетка))

Ну не совсем рулетка, если Стим резко вырастет, а в системе еще не пересчитает, будет положительная мат. вероятность бустинга. Тут просто как-то вообще не сладко забустилось))

I am going to visit Bejing and the Imperial Palace this August. Has anybody visited China in summer? I was told that in summer all sights are totally crowded...

Wow! Thanks for the information, hope to visit this wonderful place soon.

The pic are uniques and fine

It really is majestic, imposing! A sacred treasure of China, is not only a museum, it is a legacy for humanity that keeps tradition, treasures, beauty and why not legends!

It is mind blowing when you are there to try and imagine how life was back during the time of the forbidden city. Truly a unique experience.

I also love the summer palace.

I would like to visit there for once.

I heard that china are full of beautiful flowers and i would like to visit there someday

I thought Forbidden City was different from Imperial palace.