"When your inner peace is strong, then, wherever you may stand, whomever you may be with, this peace may remains still and be shared around you. Real inner peace does not depend on any condition to exist."
These are very wise teachings from your master... I remember Osho also saying something about freedom in the sense that it is not about running away from something (because then you are still not free) but being able to accept things as they are and be okay with it. Same idea about inner peace being something that comes within rather than through external influences.
PLUSHZILLA ! How grateful I am when reading your words. Actually, I have post this text in order to illustrate what my Master taugh me and what Master Osho tried to spread out to be heard. Of course, even the farest voyage, even the most beautiful travel in the world is not worthy comparing to the trip of insight : For only this one can bring comprehension and freedom. I have hope that someone will react on the part of this text which is its main message... And I'm fulfilled you DID. So, again, thank you sooo much and BE HAPPY in the moment, which is the moment of eternity. Be happy forever on, Plushzilla !