What is a popper? (Not the sex drug)

in #travel8 years ago

I know they go by other names in other areas of canada (yatti,popper,blast) it depends on where you live. Popper is the name around here. I'll describe it and leave photos!
start with a bong, take the stem out (if its stainless steel). I'm not to sure about glass as I have an arcrylic- remove the bowl so you are left with the stem- if you don't smoke cigarettes the next step could be a little hard.
find a cigarette cut off a little clip as you will see in the photo- stuff the clip you removed in the stem- flat- like a filter- pack the weed on top of the tobacco clip.
smoking it may take some practice. Cooking it and knowing when to inhale- light is as normal , get the top layer lit, you may want to try a suck suck inhale method or if you are iron lung- do you bruh!
If you know what I'm talking about and they go by other names that I haven't mentioned or don't know, drop a comment and let me know.
stay safe out there kidsimage.jpegimage.jpegimage.jpegimage.jpegimage.jpeg


Here in these parts (central Canada) a popper is slang to some for using N20 canisters as inhalants. Can't say I haven't tried it.. It's certainly an odd experience! The hallucinatory effect on my audio though is terrifying!

Hahaha it's it's a male sex drug I have come to find out as well.
But from Halifax to Ottawa I hear them called poppers.

I'd hate to use N20 for a high haha