Planning a hitchhiking trip

in #travel7 years ago

Hello everyone,

Last week I had some time to decide what I want or don’t want to do about steemit. Unexpectedly, there were some people that actually cared or wanted to motivate me and it was really nice of them. So I decided to stay for people like me, to help them and encourage them in some ways that I might could and also to fight against boring topics that I won’t mention again.

Also there was someone, who said that he would eat his hat if I kept on working until the end of the year and wouldn’t have at least 500 followers, so I thought I could keep on working and having his words as a goal. I can’t help myself not to miss a chance to see that!

There is also another thing that I would like to mention and it is a hitchhiking road trip that I am planning next month. I would like to share my adventures and failures, as expected for a first bigger hitchhiking trip, with everyone. I think that should be interesting and also people could find some valuable tips for traveling.


I won’t be alone in a trip; I will go with @narovski as a best companion that I can/could ever find. So we plan to take a flight to Barcelona in Spain and hitchhike to our home in Lithuania in less than two weeks. That will be more than 3k kilometers. We aren’t sure what places we will travel during the trip, but we will share. That way everyone can get the impressions!

Thank you for your time, I hope this post was interesting for you!


I commented you on your choice to stay to help others. May you find many beautiful adventures along the way. I follow you to enjoy the adventure and experience the trip through your eyes. Thank you for stepping out of the comfort zone. And who knows how many new people you can introduce to steem that you meet along the way. Your decision could change someone’s life you have yet to meet.

Amazing world.
I read someone from my country (Lithuania) is disappointed in steem, and is considering to leave it. This cached my yey. *WHY ? * And what is most stuning - only after 10-12 days of starting here. I then reading more. Thinking how to inspire this mate to stay on, try a bit longer. Two weeks is NOTHING. Even two month is.
I've been here 4 months active ( not registered) , and I still feel I know only maybe 10% of this system, its capabilities and potential.
I truly believe one shall stay here AT LEAST 6 month, collect 2000-3000 followers, and make 4000-5000 posts, until could become able to objectively decide, will this system become a loser or winner. And here - TWO weeks !

I kept digging, reading on, and here it is...... I found this post.

And what I see - a bunch of voters one can only dream off- and all in one @blocktrades (3.3 mln SP) , @trafalgar (0.55 mln SP), @slowwalker (0.25 mln SP)

Shall I announce too, that I am leaving steemit ???
(even I never had even the smallest intention so far - to do so....)

Sorry, I'm not quite sure what did you mean by this comment.. what was the idea or intention of it?

I mean the 2 week period is way too short time to make a decision - this place has nothing good in it. So my guess is - this was only your experiment to see what will be the reaction of the community to the public announcement "ByeBYE, I am leaving"
Which seem to work nicely, immediately attracting attention from a bunch of whales.

It is only my guess, which may be far from truth. So do not take to personally.
I have no intensions to hurt.

I had no intention to attract attention with it. To think like that is the same as keeping me as a person with really low mentality and who has no sense in value at all.

Well , it looks like we both stand on a totally different grounds.
You see a little value ( if any ) in steemit, while I see it having an enormous, VERY HUGE value. As simple as that.

Well, it's not what I meant, but anyways, peace.

Look forward to your sharing, about yr Hitchhiking trip - you say you're from Lithuania..
I saw your lovely profile pic - I have a friend who is from #Estonia !

Anyhow, have fun with your #traveling. Challenge yourself to learn new things, yes -- but be CAREFUL not to say anything inflammatory to those providing you with a ride . ☻ You are BRAVE to do this

When you're young you have to be brave because you might not have time for that later ;)

I'll tell you 1 thing @pukenanachu - hitchhiking is great.

hitchhiking is fantastic !

I used to do this quite a bit, but that was like 40-45 years ago.
Somehow I counted one day - by hiking I have traveled about 60000 kilometers.

The only sad thing about it - this was SO LONG ago....

Have fun, hitchhiking is one of the best experiences in lifetime, i wish i can do it again!!

You visited my Australia roadtrip post so you know we didn't hitchhike, but regardless of our different modes of travel I do wish you a very safe and worthwhile trip! Following you so I can share your journey.

Great job, keep the posts coming. Really enjoyed reading this, thank you for sharing :)

This is awesome! :)
Enjoy your trip. I'm sure it will be great! :)
I'm following you from now on ;)
Come check my blog as well :)

I am still following you till the end you have what it takes you just need s little bit of support

Dang, I've been saying for too long that I will take my gf and go on a hitchhike. We have the Carpathians here and that'll be a great away from work time for me and my gf. This post reminded me that I have to do it and soon, I've been procrastinating for too long. Thanks again for the reminder :)

Happy to help ;D wish you a good trip!

Good luck. Hitchiking was my choice of moving around when I was twenty. Still keep a lot of good memories. Take care!

Greetings from Latvia!
Wishing you both a wonderful experience!

Great idea is you if you can visit Belgrade in Serbia

Upvoted. I'll be resteeming this now :]

You are a brave soul and I commend you on trying to headbutt your goal. I'm following you to add to your follower. Please post up a lot of pics and updates on your hitching from next month. That would be beautiful.

@pukenanachu Its very interesting info.. Fantastic post keep it up.

Congrats! I think you learn many things about the people when you hitchhike. I have done it in Iceland and it was a very valuable experience. Greetings from Mexico. Good luck during your trip!

Wish you all safe travel!! 🤘🏽😁🤘🏽 Keep On Steemin On!!

Sounds exciting, have a fun adventures. :)

Great post. Hope you travel back home from Spain goes well for you :)

Wow! Good for you! Enjoy your trip and save travels. I have only hitchhiked a few times, but never in Europe!

That is really cool! I look forward to reading more about that trip :) I had a look at your last post about leaving steemit, and I am glad that you decided to stay. Even though there are a lot of people just looking for quick money on steemit there is also some people that really care about writing valuable content and encouraging others to do so too. I have met a lot of people who have been really caring and great creators. :) I think you made a good decision in staying and helping them make steemit a into a better place! Wish you all the luck on your journey!

I also want to be one of those people who inspires others to write valuable content!

Great! I'm looking forward to seeing your adventures! Safe travels!

Take lots of pictures!

It has been very interesting. Thanks for sharing. I want to know a little more about your travels, so I'll follow you to read you later.

Best of luck with your travels! I can't wait to hear about your adventures! Definitely will follow!

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