我的暑假-美西之旅-闖入五彩繽紛M&M's world,拉斯維加斯 My summer-The trip to the west coast-M&M's world,Las Vegas.

in #travel7 years ago

☆★☆★M&M's world☆★☆★

全世界的M&M's world專賣店,只有五個地方有,來到了Las vegas,這麼可愛的一間店,當然是不能放過了,建築物的外觀就夠吸引你進店內參觀了:)
When it comes to M&M chocolate...my best childhood memory!!M&Ms melt in your mouth、not in your hand.~~M&m's world is one of the cutest most interesting places to visit in Las Vegas.

There are two giant M&M display stand in the front door and they are always smile at you,
when you walked in you will feel joyful and colorful atmosphere,of course smells like M&M's :)

There are 4 levels that each have something different to see and buy.different color represents different topic.


Evolution of M&M on the wall.

好可觀的一大片糖果牆,讓人瘋狂,大家都紛紛拍照留念啊!隨自己的喜好想裝什麼顏色就裝什麼顏色,想裝多少就裝多少...很多顏色都是外面買不到的... World's largest candy wall that really drives everyone insane!!you can get whatever you like,lots of colors are limit.

店內還有免費欣賞的3D劇場,不僅是小朋友們,大人們也都看得不亦樂乎.... There's a free 3D movie on the third floor which lasts around 15 minutes,it's not only for the kids,adults also enjoy it,too.

Welcome to fabulous Las Vegas sign!

This jacket just dazzled! full of Swarovski crystal and M&M's,to me it just weird ride on Harley Davidson with this jacket.

這機器很酷吧,原來是還能特製屬於自己的M&M 巧克力哦,機器上有很清楚的步驟說明,可以依照自己喜好、內容來客製,送給自己或朋友家人都是非常貼心的禮物....
(我也好想玩啊,等要離開las vegas再來訂製給自己的紀念品好了,太熱了覺得一離開店門口就全都溶化了....)
This is a really machine,you can make your own M&M chocolate and there's step by step instruction for your custom M&M's,it's a very sweet gift for friends and family.

在店內的每個視線,被滿滿的M&M's以各種不同樣貌呈現在你眼前,完全的被M&M's給包圍住。 每樣商品都是六個色系(紅、黃、藍、綠、橘、咖啡),真是讓人難以抉擇.....整套系列的擺設太好看了.... 這六顏色的馬克杯牆面,表情實在太逗趣了,看著他們就有好心情,更別說這些玩偶了.....一個令人抓狂失心瘋的地方..... All the M&M's item full of every corner of the store,they are based on 6 colors (red,yellow,blue,green,orange,brown.) it's really hard to make a choice,the mug cup wall looked just really funny and made my day,i just love this place.


太酷了!店內還展示了一台被M&M's佈滿的跑車~太可愛了!!! That's really cool!! M&M's race car!! it just adorable. 特地查了一下有關跑車的故事, 轉貼:http://www.nascar.com/news-media/2017/05/20/mms-racing-kyle-busch-drop-green-flag-on-mms-caramel/ The link of M&M race car story

這是一個好玩、好吃、好看又好逛的店家,值得推薦:) 只有個小小注意的就是:可能要留意一下荷包啊,哈哈
This is a really fun store to check out:) Tips : be careful your budgets! lol

Never never give up,you will never know what are you gonna be if you don't give a shot.


Wow, I did not know LV has such an interesting place!

You should definitely check it out it's a fun place.

Wow! Looks incredible!

I agree :)