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RE: 8 Lessons Learned After Working Remote For One Month (Workcation in the US)

in #travel8 years ago

I think most your issues will be solve with a little more research about the places you are going to. Hotel and locations often like about their amenities to get customers through the door but yelp don't lie (as often).

In the topic, Any tips i'm trying to get my social media marketing agency off the ground


That's a good advice, thank you!

I have written some posts about my business earlier. There is also one about great tools you can use. My overall advice would be to set up really good social media channels for YOUR company, that works for getting the attention of business owners, and also it shows them that you are able to create engaging content.

My niche is small companies, but you could also try to go after a spesific industry, like small coffe shops, beauty salons or hospitality. Best of luck!