Craft From Temple Of Borobudur - INDONESIA

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

wayang golek mini

Here I want to tell you what is that on the pict.
That is the craft of indonesia.
The name is wayang golek
If you ever visit indonesia on your travel list, you know what is that.
That is one of souvenir in temple of borobudur
made with wood.
try to visit indonesia on your list travel
you can find many craft in indonesia like that or some other beauty in indonesia.#Hello #Steemian =)

you can visit one of all beautiful in indonesia on my village

you can read my writing about my village here:
my village

if you interested about my village, you can visit it.
You can rafting too in there, and you can find someone in there to take you surround my village.

read more about me

• My introduce
• My work
• My storry

Thank you for your upvote on my post

I will be your friend =) don't forget to follow me @razha28

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keren bro , follow back dong bg hehe , bantuin ngevote juga dong masih baru soalnya , sama2 dari lhokseumawe kan hehe

oke saya follback pasti =)
iya dari lhokseumawe juga
sering dmna kamu ?
saya juga masih baru disini hehe
oke saya vote =)@farhaniprasetya