cracked.In the middle of January @knarly327 and I
We’d been riding the crypto roller-coaster for over a year ourselves. Then, we started teaching others what we’d learned. Some folks easily embraced the world of crypto-currency and made the digital leap along with us, while others continue to struggle in complete frustration and skepticism.
It’s One Thing To Make Your Own Financial Decisions But Once You Start Coaching Others, It Adds Another Layer Of Stress And Responsibility To The Equation
If you’ve gone through this process yourself (of learning how to buy, hold and sell your own coins ) then you’ll have a personal appreciation for how stressful and riddled with roadblocks the process can be. You’ll also be aware of the ever changing exchange authorization processes related to on-line security. This has continued to rapidly evolve over the last 12 months and has added an extra layer of frustration as people try to get their accounts activated and funded.
For the record, this last part (creating an active account on any of the most popular exchanges) has gone from being almost instant to taking weeks just to get set up.
We’d also been experiencing an exceptionally cold winter with lots of snow. To keep our sanity, we just needed a break from our day to day routines (in order to recharge) so we decided that it was time to take a holiday.
Over the years, we’ve moved away from “all inclusive” resort vacations because we hardly drink alcohol anymore. Our tastes have changed (we both prefer the benefits of fine herb, instead) and we’re really selective about the food we eat.
As a direct result, most all inclusive food and beverage packages are wasted on us, so we consulted with very good friends (who we consider to be well travelled).
Specifically For recommendations for the “ultimate chill holiday”
Harbour Island Bahamas Topped The List
We made our decision and at the beginning of January, we rented a house on the island and booked our flights for a mid-February arrival. (This date range was also recommended as it skirts around spring breaks for school kids and because the weather is consistently warm and sunny.)
The Bahamas are actually a collection of 700 islands
They extend 760 miles from the coast of Florida in the Atlantic Ocean to the north-west, almost to Hati to the south-east. Of the 700 islands, only 30 are inhabited by people. There is also approximately 2400 coral reefs which also make up the Bahamas.
Exactly What Two Frozen People Require Who Feel Like They Haven’t Seen The Light Of Day Or Double Digit Temperatures Above Freezing In Months
We got ourselves on an early morning plane and flew from Toronto (Canada) to Nassau, Bahamas.
Once in Nassau we took a taxi to a hanger that was home to a small charter airline called LeAir. We’d reserved a 5 seater plane complete with pilot to take us as far as the island of Eleuthera because there isn’t a landing strip on Harbour Island.
When you fly on a plane this small, you must pack lightly because there is limited luggage space and weight restrictions. All the luggage gets loaded in the nose of the plane and the pilot decides where everyone sits so that weight is evenly distributed.It was the first time that I had flown on a plane this small. @knarly327 has been in every manner of plane before, so it wasn’t as big a deal for him, as it was for me.
Once the luggage is stowed, boarding begins one passenger at a time. This was interesting because we each had to crawl across the wing to get into the cabin of the plane. If you ever decide to do this, you’ll want to make sure that the clothing you are wearing will accommodate some agility. (Ladies, read: running or walking shoes as opposed to heels or flip flops with minimal traction or support. It’s a hike up onto the wing and you’ll want to be sure of your foot placement.) You’ll also want to layer your clothing so that you can keep yourself comfortable. There is no air conditioning other than to prop the door of the plane open while you wait for your plane’s turn to use the runway and take-off.
I sat right beside Mr. Bullard, who was our pilot. @knarly327 sat behind me and kept the door held open with his foot until it was time for the plane to start barreling down the runway. (I’m not joking. It was an adventure, to say the least.)
Our Plane Queued-Up For Its Turn
I had my own yoke (or steering control in the co-pilot’s seat) but I didn’t dare touch it...even though I was tempted.
I also had access to foot pedals (which controlled the rudder and brakes) but again I showed great restraint and didn’t touch them either. (Much to @knarly327’s relief, I’m sure. LOL!)
There were lots of gauges and switches to look at and Mr. Bullard was friendly but didn’t really want to engage in too much conversation. This meant that not only did I need to restrain my urge to start flipping switches and turning dials but I also had to bite my tongue and not ask him too many questions. (For those of you who have gotten to know me over the last year, you will know that I love to ask questions, so that part was actually trickier for me to manage than not touching anything. LOL!)
We only had to wait for about 10 minutes before we took off and were airborne.
The flight was smooth and we only experienced a little bit of turbulence.
Our flight from Nassau to Eleuthera took 25 minutes.
There are many small charter companies that you can book with. Alternatively, you can ferry-hop from Nassau to Eleuthera, but it’s basically the mail-run and takes the better part of a full day to reach Harbour Island.
Booking a small charter flight costs approximately $1200 USD return.
The plane we booked could hold 5 passengers. It’s a great option for small groups or families who don’t want to spend the whole day schlepping their luggage from one boat to another.
Once we arrived on the island of Eleuthera, we took a taxi from the landing strip to the harbour. This took less than 10 minutes by car.
We then caught a water taxi which took us to Harbour Island.
This is a 15 minute boat ride between islands. The water taxis are plentiful and cost $5 USD per person, one way. Most taxis can hold about 20 people at a time.
Many locals live on different islands than where they work. This makes traveling between islands on water taxis very common and relatively easy to do.
Once we arrived on Harbour Island, we rented a golf-cart for the week. Golf-carts cost approximately $25 USD a day to rent. Most people who live on the island own their own carts and use them instead of cars.
Some golf carts are kept plain and some have full body-kits and are pretty sweet rides.
Most carts that you can rent are heavily governed back. The locals’ carts are not so be prepared to be over-taken frequently because the top speed on a rental is the equivalency of a fast jog with the wind at your back.
Driving is on the left-hand side of the road. This was an adjustment for us and whenever we used a cart, we had to be mindful of insections and making right hand turns.
Well, I got us all to this little island in one piece. In my subsequent posts, I will show you around so that you can #walkwithme and #seewhatisee.
I took all these photos with my apple 8+ cell phone.
I welcome your comments and I invite you to follow me on my journey...buckle up.
~ Rebecca ;)
You’re blessed !! What a beautiful place . Sometimes we all just need a break away from certain things . Looks so beautiful there , hope you guys have fun. I’ll be taking the baby back to Pakistan in 2 weeks as well
Safe travels for you and your babe @journeyoflife! Can't wait to see Pakistan through your eyes! We are back to the snow now but we had an excellent week a way from our every day. :)
What a great story @rebeccaryan, I like your writing style and how you describe your daily stuff,also photos are really cool, I was reading and thinking I'm there, I saw what you saw :) really, well done
Thank you very much @anonimous! This is my bring you along with me and share really cool things so that you get to see the same moments in time too. ;)
I must admit you did it perfectly
Excellent post and wow i really enjoy watching your traveling moments, it's great to see you both going for an outing and it's no doubt great way to release some stress and one also gain back lost freshness too, i think we all need to go for an outing atleast once in a month, wish you all the best in your adventure ahead, Stay blessed
Blessings to you also, my friend.Thank you so much @adnanrabbani! Yes, we both needed to rejuvenate a little bit in the sunshine and salt water. The best things for good health, next to clean water and nutritious food.
It's great to escape from the cold and snow to the warm regions. The Bahamas are famous for their white sandy beaches without strong waves (thanks to the protection of coral reefs), the clear turquoise waters of the lagoons, the greenery of coconut trees and the mild tropical climate. The most favorable period for a visit to the Bahamas is from November to May, at this time, rains and tropical hurricanes are extremely rare. So you have perfectly chosen the time for rest. I wish you will enjoy all the beauty of nature and share our warmth and sunshine with us.
The resort owners that I talked to, consider their high season to start on Feb. 14th. It reaches full peak by March and extends until the end of May.
This year, they had an exceptionally warm December but that was followed by almost 30 days of rain showers (at one point in the day or another) in January. It only rained in the middle of the night on 2 nights of our trip. In my books that's perfect weather and we were very lucky. We spent as much time as we could outside, loading up on fresh air and vitamin D from the sun. LOL!Thank you for supplying this additional information about the attributes of the Bahamas @magnata. Harbour Island is actually famous for its pink and coral coloured sand. It has white sand too, but the pink sand is striking. The average temperature during the day, for our mid-February trip was 26 degrees Celsius through the day and it dropped as low as 20 at night. (The day we left our house it was -18 degrees, even at 20 degrees it was beautiful.)
A wonderful journey and excellent photos, as I understand it, when after winter frosts and snow, you moved to a heavenly place, where it's warm and sunny! Bahamas enjoy climate and the ocean! Thanks Rebecca and wish to have a good rest!
Thank you for commenting @serkagan! You are correct, we traded being land-locked in ice and snow for warm sunshine and swimming in the ocean. One of the best trades that I've made in a while.
Coaching others is definitely a huge pain since they try to put everything on you when something goes wrong :(. Enjoy your time in the Bahamas though!
Yes, we have experienced that too and I feel badly when people have a rough time but they must learn to do it themselves. I can teach but I will not physically do it for them. They need to take on their own responsibility. Thanks for your kind wishes. ;)
wonderful pics!!! just wondering..who does your nails? ;)
Thank you very much. You did a great job and they still look perfect. ;)
You know reading it from the beginning about how stressful it is to teach other about crypto is one thing but as i kept on reading and seeing your vacay towards bahamas - the tension It just dissapeared
The small airplane ride, the water taxis and the fantastic photographys!
I'll be following for more updates and glad i found ya
Welcome to my blog and thanks for the great comment. ;)Hahaha! I love your name @angrycrypto! Good choice and I feel like you can totally relate to the stress (good and bad) that crypto brings with it.
When a good story teller telling story people listen it concentrately... your own story you uphold such way.....thanks sharing your experience @rebeccaryan
Thank you for all your kind words @jerge!
flight with flying is very interesting and very good photo on pilot on board, you have taken very courage step to fly this one, i am daring to peak on high.
Yes! I thought the instrumentation was interesting too and I'm glad we had an un-eventful flight. I'm sure these little planes can be tossed around like nothing when the weather turns. :)
To be clear, I just sat quietly beside the pilot and tried not to touch anything or ask too many questions.
nice post man...caption are can also see what i see...

now i am in russia as a tourist,,,...
Beautiful photos @mobaraksunny!
Hello Rebecca Ryan(@rebeccaryan), I feel glad that you love traveling. We all know traveling is the most unique way to get refreshed. Hope AIR traveling was the fascinating part. I just love your sharing and pics. I like the last pic most :P
Thank you so much @nishadhasan! There were many fascinating parts and we had a great time. ;)
@rebeccaryan Hope you will share with us again. My eye will keep the focus on your pics. You are really cute and sweet. <3
This is great travel experience. very very beautiful photography
Have a great day Thanks @rebeccaryan
I hope you had a great day too.Thanks so much @goldcoin!
That pilot needs to up his tourism game! Could be missing out on some nice tips.
I completely agree @evan1. Mr. Bullard has been flying for over 30 years and I think it's like becomes just a job after a while. His partner, flew us back and he was exceptionally friendly and warm. On the way back, I sat in the very back so didn't have much of a chance to engage in conversation with him.
wow very beautiful.
where is the end of this end .... ???
Thank you @papma! This is a longer post for sure but I had a lot to explain and show. The rest of it will come as I write about what we did and saw while on the island. It was a great adventure from beginning to end. ;)
now you are in which country ... ???
I hope you have a good day.
very beautiful place.
How are you today..
a great place to be friends, and worth the visit,
wow... @rebeccaryan your photo post is so...... nice. photography is so..... amazing you always like beauty natural picture . your post i like it good think good job..... just carry on.. all the best
Thank you @najninshemu!
@rebeccaryan.....really you travel a very amazing journey....i hope,,,you enjoy very much....carry on,,,,,all the best...
Thank you @abontikazaman!
love to see this pic......just awsome..
Thank you @sizuka!
excellent traveler
Thank you @shaikatkm!
Wow...another wonderful and interesting topic for blogging...
Wel done and perfect work mam..
Harbour Island lies just northwest of Eleuthera Island in the Bahamas. It's known for the long pink sand beaches stretching along its eastern shore. The west coast also has beaches and several marinas. Outlying coral reefs like the Devil's Backbone are home to marine life such as stingrays and turtles. The main hub, Dunmore Town, features pastel houses like the 1797 Loyalist Cottage....
Thanks mam...
The Loyalist construction is quite prevalent. Bahamas is part of the British Commonwealth and I observed lots of this style of architecture. Many houses and buildings painted in bright colours and most with their own names, so you get to know the houses by their names. The one that we stayed in was called Little Arches and there was nothing little about it. LOL! The locals know all the house names, so you just tell them the name of the house and they know exactly where you are staying.Thank you @dini1!
i am following you.
Hello friend, and vote for your post, i would love you to vote for my publication.
welcome to steem I hope your future will be bright
The small airplane ride, the water taxis and the fantastic photographs!
I'll be following for more updates and glad i found ya
flower and leaf remind me in our own house banana tree, took very much well photo and very good looking in exercise mode.
Thank you @killermanprapto!
Where Is This Challenge: Here is my recent challenge post. See if you can guess the location and win 0.1 SBD.

I know that warm and moisture laden air is better than cold high humidity air.
That is why it is so nice here in the winter. Warm with just enough moisture to keep our skin from getting dry. I can stand the dry skin.
But the severe cold is hard on us. Especially as we get older.
When we are young. Nothing matters.. You are young now.
But the years roll by quickly. So plan accordingly.
I hope that both of you had a very nice vacation.
I loved both the concept 'see what I see' and what lays behind it.
Your photos also are simply amazing :)
this is great story. and your photo choice is very effective and high regulation.