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RE: #1 Rule About Waterfalls

in #travel7 years ago

So how do you get warm again after jumping in cold water? I assume sometimes the weather isn't super warm either. What's your favorite fall so far (if you can pick just one)? I recently jumped in a cave pool in DR that was very cold but it was so hot out that it felt really refreshing. It was very scary as I was pretty high up and while the pool was very deep, it wasn't that wide. I was the first to jump in our group because everyone else chickened out, but man, it was terrifying yet thrilling! I bet you've had some great jumps!


My favorite fall is Yosemite falls because it's so powerful it's deafening and you can feel it move you. I went at night this year when nobody was there and it became my favorite.

Nice jump, Sounds like a blast. where is DR?