Informative post by brother El Aemer El Majaddid from the Murakush Society and some additional maps from the archive.
Many Moors are Maghrebi and many Maghrebis are Moors. Depending on how history is studied and the lens studied from.
InshaAllah the truth-searchers won't further divide the Umma with nationalism.
Notice the location of Moors... also please take note that the creator of this particular map over-generalized the stated time in history by placing certain emphasis on some aspects and un-Islamicising early Swahili peoples as well as Moors, Ghana, Volga Bulgaria, and the Khazar Khanate.
I have an abundance of historical maps and pictures inshaAllah I will share for the sake of knowledge.
REALLY good post! i REALLy enjoyed the picctures and i REALLy liked that upside down map of africa! Africa is so huge! So many kingdoms!
very cool! And yeah what if our whole galaxy is viewed as upside down...seriously though a map is simply arbitrary! North and South are completely arbitrary! there is no difference betwenn the north and south pole!
Maybe its because we are a stratifed upward walking form that look from the to down, but yeah these maps are JUSt as accurate even tho they LOOk "upside down" but it could have been the other way around!
I resteemed
Thank you
Good work on the creation of this post my brother. It is important to educate people on the correct history.