RInse. Repeat. Rinse. Repeat. Run out of ideas.

in #travel4 years ago (edited)

There's an old adage. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Our illustrious Prime Minister has put us back into three more weeks of lockdown. Pretty much everything closed, and restaurants not even allowed to do curbside or delivery.

It's widely known (peer review) once you've gone past the intial phase of community exposure/spread, these types of restrictions are too late, ineffective, and, potentially do more long term harm than good.

Yet here we are, 12 months later, and we now face three more weeks of imposed poverty upon people who were barely managing to make ends meet, or keep their businesses afloat.

Obviously, our Prime Minister is incapable of listening, learning, or changing tack. Instead applying ineffective copy and paste restrictions which have been shown to be detrimental both here and around the world. Nor is he capable of accepting responsibility. Instead of admitting as hundreds of migrants continue to pour in each week from South America, he's failed to secure the borders: his policy of not placing a temporary restriction of public access to beaches, or inter-island travel over easter allowed for thousands to flock to Tobago for the long weekend. Instead, he's opting to blame the public for the spread of a virus rather than hold his hands up and admit he's failed.

He failed in every public office/ ministerial position he has held, and has catastrophically failed as a Prime Minister. The country, and economy, under his control, was in trouble even before we got into Covid, and it's been destroyed since.

Perhaps our eminent 'Dr. Rowley' should take his PHD in Geology and go back to doctoring rocks, leadership clearly isn't his forte.

Welcome to the cuckoo's nest.


