American Beauty
I'm really proud of this photo. On this photo, I've captured the real American beauty and also New York. I personally have a weakness for old American cars. They have a unique style and personality that can not be just imitated.
I'm really proud of this photo. On this photo, I've captured the real American beauty and also New York. I personally have a weakness for old American cars. They have a unique style and personality that can not be just imitated.
This is awesome, I wish I had the same car!
Thank you :)
Impressive shot. Yeah, American oldtimers look classy. I posted some from Cuba in the vehiclephotography contest recently, feel free to have a look :)
Thank you, Určitě se podívám :-)
Aha, já nevěděl, že jsi taky krajánek :D
Já to poznal tak,že jsem měl už odkliknuté follow, protože po prvním přihlášení jsem se snažil najít co nejvíce českých autorů, abych měl co nejdříve představu jak to vlastně funguje. :-D
You gotta love the classic!