Good evening all Steemians, may you be always given the health to continue to share goodness in every Platform and given longevity and achieved all the ideals. Amen!
My posting on this night about one of the other beaches in East Aceh is also crowded by local tourists who just want to vacation with family and friends. As we know, the beach is one of the most visited tourist attractions by tourists for various reasons and also the cause. One of them Peudawa beach located in East Aceh district which became a favorite tourist site for local tourists who are in Peudawa Sub-district.

Peudawa Beach is one of the tourist attractions located in East Aceh Peudawa District, this tourist spot is about 58 kilometers from Langsa City, 6 kilometers from Idi Rayeuk and about 2 kilometers from Peudawa sub district. Tourists throng along the shoreline, they generally come with families on motorbikes, private cars or groups with rented vehicles. The local tourists come from a number of sub-districts in East Aceh such as Darul Ihsan sub-district, Rantau Panjang and Rantau Selamat sub-districts.
Peudawa Beach has a very easy access location, tourists can enter through the Aceh - Medan banda line about 2 kilometers from Peudawa. In addition, the tourists can also enjoy the location of this tour by simply paying the cost of an entrance ticket is as accurate as possible just to control the parking of motor vehicles. The visitors who bathe in the sea are dominated by children, while the parents choose to relax while chatting. They spread mats under the shady trees that grow around the beach. In the location there are also many food vendors that make visitors more comfortable.

It's just beach work that looks dirty due to lack of awareness and attention from the community who visit the location of the tour reduces the beauty of the beach. In addition to the garbage that comes from dried pandanus leaves, also a lot of food wrap waste due to lack of attention and also management by the community and local government. We should be able to maintain the beauty of nature and not only can enjoy it, because we all come from nature and without our nature is nothing in this world.