8 years ago in #travel by rok-sivante (77)
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When I began reading this post I felt your stagnated frustration. As I read on, your words became some sort of nihilistic poetry, as though I were listening to you on a stage, tearing at your frustrated soul. The feeling you've so eloquently described in this post is one that may blanket the human existence. Every one at some point in their life will pull at their hair and agonize over a lack of purpose, direction, creation and legacy. We, us, living in this particular pocket of time, are not schooled to innovate like Da Vinci. We are conditioned as children to respect and obey and these orders leave little room for imagination. But please @rok-sivante, know that your contribution has affected at least one person, that your existential entanglement at the museum today sparked a deeper understanding of yourself and the universe you are in. Your work will remain printed on the blockchain forevermore and I thank you for sharing your thoughts.
has affected at least one does mean a lot and provides great encouragement to keep on in spite of the inevitable questioning. Blessings... 💗@alexandra-Renee your welcome. And I thank you for this feedback. Sometimes I wonder what the point of these types of rambles are and whether they make any sort of difference - and to read/hear that it
I agree with you. His analysis routinely help humanity grow in global perspective, granted people take the time to process his narratives. So much to be learned from every single perspective (: I can't thank @rok-sivante enough for sharing his own so freely. Vulnerability??? No. Strength!
@zacharius I so appreciate this feedback. 💖
Well, that was beautifully put sister.
Great post, my dude... I'm glad you are so mindful on your journey, as being mindful keeps the mind sharp... as tiresome as having an over-active mind can grow. Maybe some perspective for your restless soul - it is speaking to you, and worldly endeavors cannot seem to tame this feeling. Maybe for this matter you need to look deeper inside yourself to find solutions. Perhaps there is something you are not at peace with? Idk, forgive me if I'm overstepping any boundaries in giving you my analysis, but I keep up with your posts and the restlessness remains throughout! I only wish to be helpful. (: I hope you continue to enjoy your Euro-journey.
Sometimes we need to risk overstepping boundaries to gain clarity on what and when they are. And sometimes, there is value to be extracted through overstepping them, as that may be the most effective route to learning key lessons otherwise unavailable in their fullest.
Restlessness can be a burden at times. However, it can also be a powerful fuel for progress that could not occur without its motivation.
Regarding solutions... so cliche. Lol.
Solutions require problems to exist, and problems are merely a consequence of perspective. Sometimes the solution is merely shifting perspective to see situations for what they are, rather than mislabeling them as "problems" from limited understanding.
And then sometimes, solutions are all readily present, needing no looking anywhere one found - only requiring time to extract the full amount of information in the full spectrum of perspectives to unveil them - though at that point, they may likely not appear as problem-solution, but a continuous evolution of interconnected situations and systems... ;-)
When put that way, it seems the best thing you can do then is just embrace it all for learning potential! Keep learning... your thoughts/perspectives continue to capture my curiosity. (;
Do you think Da Vinci sat there complaining that all food tasted the same after travelling around the world? No! Because he didn't have the means!
We have a much better set up. And what we've accomplished in the last years is amazing. The access to knowledge of the average individual in the planet has skyrocketed in the last twenty years, and still goes up as more and more people join the digital community. Humanity is going in a good direction, even when some people would like us to have our head down, stay depressed and complain around.
All I'm just saying is that we are talking about Da Vinci, a guy. Not the Da Vinci generation. See the difference? That's all that takes to write history. A single guy. I'm no historian but I'm pretty sure the average person in his time was further away from genius than now, as much as we like to romanticise old times.
You don't need to get EVERYONE to stop watching tv and doing idiotic things. You just need ONE GUY. And we have plenty of geniuses around now. A close example: how many people did BTC need to be born? A small group, probably. (Getting it running is a different deal, but the spark is what matters). How many people do we need to get to change the business model of an entire industry from oil to electricity? I'd say it's mainly one, the rest are just following.Thanks for sharing. I agree with @alexandra-renee, this post got real nihilist real fast.
Thanks for sharing. I'm not sure where I heard this (maybe it was Derek Sivers). We don't leave our problems at home when we travel, we carry them around with us.
EDIT. Sorry for the long response, as you can see you got me triggered a bit :). But I'm grateful to you for sharing this and starting this conversation.
Your welcome. And apology not necessary. T'is a great, thoughtful comment I appreciate - adds value to the dialogue and brings in worthy perspectives. 😎
Please help my introductory vote
And I am very proud to get to know you in steem and I am now a master fanNice post @rok-sivante
May I be so bold as to suggest that Leonardo was a one-time deal? I don't know of anyone in the past or present to rival his genius.
Perhaps yes, and no.
Just because we don't know doesn't mean there weren't/aren't others who have - it may just be that they didn't receive the same degree of public attention.
Drawing from my wife's contributions to my understanding of astrology - it's possible a person like DaVinci might have had Sun in 12th house, putting him in the spotlight. Yet, other may have made even greater contributions - but if they had Sun in 12th house, few would recognize or give acknowledgement.
Nicola Tesla is another that is probably on par. Yet, it is only a century after his death that he is actually starting to get acknowledgement for what he was able to channel through.
I've been working with someone for 4 years that is also undoubtedly on this scale, though the nature of his work is not currently ready for such mass acknowledgement. Part of the thing is - even with Tesla - innovation that is ahead of its time is ahead of its time - not easily understood. The whole next generation of radical innovation is likely to take place in dimensions that is difficult for many to fathom at this point, and it may take time for the masses to catch up - at which point some of that genius may be recognized.
And, we all have inherent potential for genius - though it requires activation. Who knows what each of us might be able to unlock were the processes to do so readily available...
All of the charts for DaVinci that I have seen have his sun in the 5th house with Saturn and Neptune in the 10th. Saturn would have to make him work very hard all of his life with the honours occurring either very late in life or after his death. He also had Neptune in the 10th which would make much of the fame for his accomplishments during his lifetime an illusion.
As for Tesla, his chart shows Neptune, the NN and Jupiter in the 12th. All of his luck and purpose seem to be locked up inside of him.
His chart shows a failure to launch.
You're right when you say that we all have inherent potential for genius - though it requires activation. Who knows what each of us might be able to unlock were the processes to do so readily available...
I can only image where we would be if we were able to do so.
Omg. This is one of the coolest comments I've ever gotten on a post. Haha.
I'd love to read more of your perspectives on astrology. Great insights, love how directly they come into the conversation. (And my wife is thrilled, having been sure Tesla did have something in his 12th.) 😊
I'm so glad that your wife is thrilled. 😊I've been analyzing astrology charts for a long time but I don't normally comment unless the person that I am speaking with brings it up first as I don't always know the what the reaction will be of the other person.
Ok, I've got an Astro question for you...
How did you find out Tesla's chart? Did you do it yourself? If so, how did you find out his exact birth Time? If you didn't have it, how did you adjust the time input to ensure an accurate result?
I got a cool app, "Astro Gold," and been playing around - though found that without a precise birth time, the chart can vary ALOT with a few hours difference in the time. Not sure how to account for this uncertainty if I wanna check someone's chart but don't know their time...
Curious if you might know, given your Tesla reference...
I'll tell you what @rok-sivante. I'll answer your questions this weekend. I'll tag you when I do.😉
DaVinci's main drive was curiosity. That primary force lead him to all his inventions he used to take inspiration from the nature :)
Excellent distinction.
Holy cow, there is a lot of profound stuff in this post.
People like DaVinci come along once in a generation I think and they can barely stand their own genius I think.
Yet they transform the world around them.
They are the Bobby Orr of their time so to speak LOL.
I am wondering when you left FOR Bali -- what was the driving factor of that for you, and wondering if there are any common links that would help you figure anything else out.
Honestly this post was super deep and I was having a nice feeling -burned-out- don't think - listen to the Jays game kind of night
Have a nice weekend, w/b if you feel like it.
Bali - I knew for 3 years prior to departure that's where I needed to be. Call it intuition, vision, a calling, magnetism, or what you will - it just kept growing until the action was inevitable.
And I suppose perhaps, yes, that same sort of guidance always has been and always is at play. Sometimes it just takes time for things to unfold - knowing the general sense of direction, though having to take one small step at a time, until those more rare moments where certain leaps become possible...
It is funny man..... I really only found you the last (few?) weeks, but liked you right off knowing nothing about you, other than your posts.
The more I read your stuff and find out a little about you like today in our off-chain type relations..... the more I like you and am seeing some things in directions I MAY - repeat MAY be headed, you are just further ahead than me in several areas.
The car running me over and the state burying my file due to my activism has put a min. 2 year dent in my plans as I try to recover in all areas of my life ...
but reading your posts and seeing snippets of your life, even out on the left coast where I have spent some good times on the road....... has me looking to you now my friend.
Your trip pictures have inspired me today as I head to my self imposed physio outside.
Happy to be of service and inspiration. 🙏
Sounds/feels like you're on the right path - the setbacks may be the pullback for a launch into territory difficult to fathom at the moment. Kinda cliche, sure - though I do recognize a certain tone of spirit present in your writing that I'm sure shall propel you in great directions... ;-)
I struggled thru it today, got back in an hour ago and showered, and did think a lot about what you have been saying and now see this nice message too.
I got a smile out of that, do not worry my friend, on a couple levels.
Also someone brought me great Indian food from a small business that just opened and I love supporting small business, that also helped propel me LOL
Talk soon!
E. 35 of my #DigitalDetox series is just up if you need some help but I think you are doing perfectly fine with this part of life
Stardust - all of us. Some exceptional : Einstein, Newton, Plato, Jesus of Nazareth. The list would be very long... Anyhow, your post gave me food for thought - even though it is mainly about stardust... Thanks!
Your welcome. :-)
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so smart post....greeting from aceh, There is a beautiful thing in my post, you will not regret opening it, you will surely enjoy its natural beauty, please please at upvote..thanks ... god bless u
I love traveling, This is an amazing post.
Loved it. Thanks for sharing.
DaVinci is a genius,I read a book of him,it's like a legendary. I like words you choose in the last pic,everything connected.
it had a big effect on me when i was reading your post. very true and intensive. some things i didnt now before, but good that you mention this in it @rok-sivante, thanks and upvoted
I have always been quite fascinated with Da Vinci and that quote you have there is very powerful one of which you seem to embody quite often.
The 'happened to things' or 'learn how to see?'
I mean it seems that you communicate as though you are aware that "everything connects to everything else", you see large spectrum of existence. So it seems as though you have learned "how to see"
Perhaps. Though continually learning, as there are indefinitely deeper layers to be discovered... ;-)
Of course there are. The fact that you said that your self and not me just proves my point yet again ;-)>
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