
Very nice pics! I like Prague very much...

Ohh.... I love those European cobbled streets.

They really are cool, make for such an interesting ambiance/vibe...

WOW they blinded the clock maker? F@*K them A$$hats

About the clock guy the moral of the story here is "don't trust the government".

I just got transported from my dinghy room to an exquisite dream of a place. Awesome! You know how to take a photograph. Can I ask the type of camera you use? I love this!

Samsung Galaxy S7. :-)

It sure takes an awesome photograph.

Hysteria remains a disease without a permanent cure, LOL

not following...

Great pictures! I loved Prague! What an incredible city.

Prague is a lovely city, I have been there twice, I loved strolling on the old streets, just remind me many old European films.

So romantic to take your wife there. It's supposed to be one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Jealous!

Happy you enjoyed the city. Prague is beautiful. Thanks for good article and nice pictures!

nice pics