So i suppose the best way to introduce myself would be to start at the end. My name is Sachneel and i live on an organic farm on the outskirts of Bangalore. This farm has electric unicycles that we take offroading through out the rural villages. When i say we i mean myself and the twenty other people i live with. As well as riding awesome unicycles we work on computer programming, specifically ethereum based dapps for some of us. My roots are indian but my families last four generations are from the fiji islands and i was the first born in central California. The jobs i have had range from fine dinning wine server to remote wilderness raft guide and more recently helping lead a trip to Everest base camp in Nepal. I have only recently gotten in to computer programming and crypto-currency but i am enjoying it thoroughly. My favourite past time is to travel and go backpacking with my guitar. My posts will be a crazy travel stories, a bit about crypto-currency, and pictures of the bizarre things i see along the way.
This is just an intro of stories to come. The first article coming your way will be my computer programming experience taking a javascript bootcamp in the middle of a mango orchard and always starting the mornings off with yoga.
Welcome to Steemit
Thanks the community is great. Check out my article about a javascript bootcamp i attended.
Wow, I am glad I found your blog. You need to advertise it a bit more! ;)
I will keep coming back to read your tales of travels around the world. And I should mention I am so glad you travel with your guitar. It was you who rekindled my interest in learning to play and I managed to take it the farthest in all my attempts so far, which is not too far, but still the best of all my previous attempts.
I learned the importance of freedom to make mistakes and play around while learning in order to begin learning effectively. Without you saying the magic words "consider it your own and play whenever you like" I would never have tried again. Thank you for that!