5 most dangerous places on Earth

in #travel9 years ago

In summer, everyone wants to go to distant lands. However, that would leave a pleasant impression, it is necessary to choose the right direction of travel. Here are the five most dangerous places on Earth, where the dangers lurk behind every corner. It is better not to go and not to risk their lives! Around the world there are many exotic corners where accidents occur more frequently than anywhere else. The quintet - this is only part of them.

Somalia - Somali pirates. The world is a lot of places where the extremely high crime rate. For example, in Ciudad Juárez in Mexico City, with over a million inhabitants, already known for several years as a place where occurs mainly criminals.1993 year shocked the world of the mass murder of women. The total of 370 victims were girls. As well as tourists, especially single, young girls, do not attend high crime famous Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and called the fashion capital of Paris (France). Around the world there are places where not only a city, but also the whole country is included in the list of the most dangerous. The first in this list - in East Africa is located in Somalia - the cradle of the modern pirates, bleeding wound on the planet. Prevailing anarchy encourages crime famine afflicting the country. Here is dangerous not only to disembark, but also to pass or even fly. In the northern part of the country for many years of civil war, and in the capital Mogadishu It creates criminal clans and gangs. Daylight here killed people, organized robbery, rape women, stigmatized corpses. In addition, Somalia is situated in the radical Islamic movement in connection with the terrorist group Al-Qaeda. "

Ilha Grande de Queimado - Snake Island to the coast of Brazil. Facing the Atlantic Ocean island, 35 kilometers away from São Paulo State (Brazil), at first glance looks like a paradise on Earth. However, it does not take place for tourists and local tours. Those who dare to do so, to sign a stack of documents, stating that in the event of premature death, no one will blame. This island - the most dangerous snakes in the world office. Their bite instantly paralyses body and destroys the body's cells. It is said that the island was once a beacon, which is maintained by the people. However, when one day creep snake bitten and all that were on the island, the lighthouse was converted to automatic. In 1985, the Brazilian government announced this island a unique nature reserve. It's human nature almost untouched corner and the place where the most natural breeding snakes. One square meter of living there from 1 to 5 of poisonous snakes and trees coiled slumbering ordinary Vipers. This is, perhaps, the only place on Earth where animals drove the people, not vice versa. Only the bravest dare to fish and dive in the water to the island of snakes.

Death road in Bolivia - northern Yung Road runs through about 600 meters deep abyss. Knee length - 70 km, the average width - 3.2 m, the highest point - 3.6 km. This way usually ride buses and trucks, even though it is so narrow, that in some places for two vehicles almost impossible to pass each other. One vehicle has to run until the next blockage waiting on one wheel overhanging the edge of the precipice. The road through the Amazon region connects Coroico and La Paz cities, and this is the only way by which you can get from one city to another. From November to March the following places heavy shower, so it becomes more and more slippery. Sometimes thick fog descends and visibility is very poor due to heavy rains in rocks, clay, earth landslides. It seems that to achieve the ultimate goal can only be prayer ... Every year killed about 200 - 300 people. Nevertheless, this path is like a magnet attracts tourists. Only they take place here at the bus, and bicycle. Maybe it's a little safer ...

Washington Hill Northeast of the US is not very high - 1917 meters. However, it is the highest in the region, although it is not known for all over the world. Mount Washington holds the world record, because here recorded the highest wind speed over the Earth's surface (wind speed Tornado can not be measured on the surface of the Earth, so it measures the satellites. The wind speed record, measured on the ground depends on Mount Washington). Especially great wind was recorded in 1934 - up to 374 kilometers per hour and the weather station and observatory on the hill can withstand no more than 500 kilometers per hour. From March to April, strong winds blowing for 16 hours a day. Interestingly, at this point the winds blowing in different directions, making it very difficult to balance. Winters here are very cold. In January 2004, the temperature had dropped to -42 degrees Celsius, and the wind speed was 39 meters per second. It seems that the temperature is actually even lower - around -72 degrees Celsius. Probably because over the observatory entrance appeared inscription: "The place where the worst weather in the world."

Danakil Desert northeast Ethiopia, southern Eritrea and Djibouti are sometimes referred to as hell on earth. Here, the temperature rises to 50 degrees Celsius and the subsurface to the surface stands out dangerous gases and do not stop volcanic processes. However, sharp impressions travelers this place attracts an unusual landscape that resembles another planet. In part, this is true - there is less oxygen content than anywhere else on Earth, exhausting heat, toxic gases and sulfur lake lies there.