12 Days, 4 Countries, 2 Women, 1 Car (and 1 drivers licence) - Mum Diaries #3

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Log Three, May 14: Today we drove to Edinburgh, Scotland! It took us nearly 6 hours because we were driving VERY SLOWLY to get a good look at the beautiful scenery on the way. While on the motorway we were driving along side a 16 wheeled truck when one of its tires exploded! It was as loud as a gunshot! And that’s what we thought it was until we saw the truck veer off the road and a strip of the tire fling off. Well done to the man driving, being able to get safely off the motorway (no damage was done to anyone else).
We stopped at the boarder for some photo opportunities - and to tell the man in his kilt that he was crazy for having his bare legs out in the icy wind!

As we drove into the heart of Edinburgh I snapped a photo of the Scott Monument :-D

Edinburgh is my absolute favourite city in the world (so far)! I had visit Edinburgh on my own once before, I recommend staying at the Westend Hotel to anyone planning to go! The most friendly staff, short walk to everything good and they even have a little restaurant/bar downstairs :-D

Anyway, Mum and I didn’t stay there. Haha. I had booked (yes, I booked ahead this time) a twin room at a hotel not far from the Westend – I don’t remember the name (I’m doing super well at promoting the places we go to!). It was a nice, simple place along a busy little street. No hotel parking, when we arrived we couldn’t actually get a park close to the hotel, instead we found a space along the street around the corner. The friendly receptionist explained that a lot of the buildings surrounding the hotel were residential houses/apartments and everyone just parks wherever they like/can.

Our room was at THE VERY TOP. No elevator. I had messed up… about 3 years prior to our trip my Mum was in a car accident - thankfully no one was critically injured - and as a result Mum gets easily out of breath, at this time she couldn’t walk for longer than 20 minutes without having to rest (much better now though)... Our room was (maybe) 3 levels up a narrow stairway – which to any able-bodied person is nothing, but to my Mum it was like climbing Everest.

<< Mum resting

<< Mum resting again

Once rested, we freshened up and went to Rose Street in the early evening for an early dinner, then finished our day with a slow stroll over to Prince Street Gardens.

When the sun has set Rose Street is the most beautiful! Lights zig-zag above you, setting the mood as you walk to each pub, bar and restaurant. I had tried to get Mum to eat Haggis but she was worried about throwing-up. Haha. So I will save my next attempt for tomorrow.


The mom on the stairs pic made me lol :D

me too :D

Haha! Yeah I love it. I was laughing so much taking that photo!

I can imagine :D

Thanks Sweetheart, ah you make me laugh, loving the satire <3