Very nice post and great pictures. I feel the need to point out, however, a few corrections in case this post is meant to be historically accurate rather than a work of fiction.
- The Battle of Gettysburg was not a skirmish, it was the largest and deadliest battle of the entire war. There were a total of over 50,000 casualties in the 3 day long war fought on 1 July 1863 to 3 July 1863.
- There is no such thing as the "American Common War". It was called The Civil War, or the War Between the States.
- The "National Stop Administration" does not exist. The U.S. National Park Service runs the park and visitor center.
- The "Gettysburg National Burial ground" should actually say "Gettysburg National Cemetery". This is also known today as the Soldiers National Cemetery.
- The "Gettysburg Exhibition hall and Guest Center" referred to is actually called the "National Park Service Museum and Visitor Center".
My ties to Gettysburg:
My great-great grandfather fought at Gettysburg with the 3rd Virginia Infantry, they were up front in Pickett's Charge. Miraculously he was not wounded at Gettysburg, but was shot in the leg 4 days before the war ended.