Destination Montana Part 2: Polson

in #travel5 years ago (edited)

When I visit my sister, it is not unusual for me to just stay at her house the entire time, drinking tea, doing jigsaw puzzles, knitting, visiting, and helping her bake good things which we proceed to eat. This time I had an errand I needed to do in the next town up the road, so Wednesday I got back into my car and drove to Polson.


This is the view of Flathead Lake and the mountain range as seen from the scenic turnout at the top of the hill before the road drops down into town. Frankly, I'm not sure whether this is the north end of the Mission Range, or the part of the Swan Mountain Range. Both can be seen from the Polson area, depending on where one is standing.

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There were billboards along the highway advertising this business. I hadn't been there for years, so, after finishing my errand, I decided it was time to stop in and look around again.


The sign in their window is a big puzzling.


And I have no idea whether any of this is true.


This carving of three howling wolves stands outside the entrance.


Apparently, this Cinderella-style coach is available for hire, although it looks as if it has seen better days.


This wagon is also apparently for hire. It also serves as a good place to advertise for help.

I didn't take any photos inside the building. There was a wide variety of down bedding available, plus some high-quality socks and slippers, and the usual odds and ends of tourist-y wares, including locally-themed t-shirts and sweatshirts. A candy section at the far end of the building boasted 70 flavors of salt water taffy. The congenial (and garrulous) proprietor told me I could have a free sample, but I was overwhelmed by the number of choices and opted to skip it. He also gave me a bottle of real ginger ale to try. I wish I had made note of the brand; I think it was Blenheim. It was very powerful stuff, and I could only drink about three swallows! Given enough time, I could have finished it. But I didn't want to risk spilling it in my car, so I handed the bottle back to him.


On my way back through town I stopped to look into this store. It is full of beautiful furniture! I didn't take any photos inside, but if you go to their website you can drool for a long time.


I stopped to snap another photo of Crow Canyon on the way back to my sister's house. There is more snow up there than in the photo in my post a couple of days ago.

All photos taken on my Android phone.