The rain finally stopped, so I decided to do an extended livestream last night (10/25)! We had quite a few people in the live chat and had a great discussion. I filled you in on:
- How Wednesday night went;
- Dealing with rain and a wet tent;
- A little more about where I'm camping plus a tour;
- What I'm most excited about on my journey to Acapulco.
And, the live chat viewers had some topic suggestions as well:
- Political crusaders and Ron Paul being a copyright-loving statist;
- My thoughts on the new BAAKT centralized exchange, Bitcoin ETF's, and the importance of decentralization;
- A brief update on Vonucoin/Darklance
- Is being able to bribe bludgies/government "freedom" or is it just a way to make one more invulnerable to coercion?
And much more!
I'm going to try to do a livestream like this everyday around 5 or 6pm central time as I continue this journey down to Acapulco. Please do consider tuning in live and join in on the conversation. If you'd like to check out the special documentary/series I'll be putting together, please also consider supporting the podcast and become a patron on Patreon!
Other ways to support me/the podcast:
Get the audiobook for "Going Mobile", a terrific #vanlife zine from the 1960s-80s for FREE by signing up for a FREE 30-day trial through Audible!
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HIRE me for your next freelance project (writing/editing/proofreading, audiobook narration, vonu consulting, etc.)! Shoot me an email ([email protected] for now) or find me on Fascistbook/Telegram/Twitter!
I guess Lysander Spooner is a statist too...