Visiting Mosteiros and the volcanic thermal spring in Ponta da Ferraria on Sao Miguel, Azores, Portugal + Beach art

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

Welcome to the next episode of my trip to the Azores!

Yesterday I left Sete Cicadas via hitchhiking. I wrote about this fantastic place here. The friendly man who gave me a lift is Marco - a fisherman from Mosteiros. 

He likes spearfishing and delivers fish to restaurants in the region. I asked him how much an octopus brings and he said 9 euro per kilo. One of these color-changing animals can weigh a few kilos so if you want to earn a living all you have to do is getting a license and catch a few per day and you are set.

I told him about Steemit. The man has excellent footage! Check it out:

I made these screenshots from one of his videos:

So after we started driving he suddenly stopped after we went around a curve and it seemed like a gate to heaven just opened:

I told him that it would be better to switch on these blinking yellow lights one uses for such a situation and he replied that these are the Azores and that it wouldn't be necessary. Alright :D

He then switched them on - I guess to give me a feeling of safety.

We continued our ride and I changed my original plan which was going to the volcanic thermal springs of Ponta da Ferraria after he told me that he was from Mosteiros and that it is nice there + it would be better to visit the spring at 8 in the morning. 

We dropped off some fish at a friends house and he showed me a viewpoint in the near.

Afterwards we went to a bar and he invited me for a beer. I then invited him and soon we arrived in Mosteiros

I bought a Bolo da Arroz which is a local speciality:

He introduced me to the people from this awesome place and showed me where I could put my tent up. We said goodbye and I wanted to buy a sim-card to have mobile Internet and walked towards the church because someone told me that I could find it there. Instead of the card - none of the shops had any - I met Marco again. Another beer, a joint on my side and a few bites of beef with Piri-Piri.. It was great.

The man has family so he left towards home and I walked to the tent spot and prepared everything for the night.

Normally I am hiding from the eyes of anyone in order to have security. Nobody knows where I am - nobody can come and do me harm. This time it was different. everyone knew that I am going to stay there and after I was in the tent for 5 minutes a man came with a flashlight. OMG!

Well, it was just a friendly guy who wanted to check if everything is OK. At least that's what I thought - all I heard was Portuguese. He disappeared and I was uneasy and had fear that something could happen to me once I was sleeping.

I woke up and had a coffee at the close by coffeeshop. Then I walked down to the beach and shot some beach art:

Later I took the bus to Ponta da Ferraia.

Ponta da Ferraria

The bus took ages to arrive and dropped me off at the top of the hill. I walked down to the thermal spring which was around a kilometer and made some nice photos:

I also found some beach art here:

On the way back up I took a shower and shot this pic. I like the elegance of the construction - only straight lines - with the nature in the background:

Because there were plenty of people in the pool I could only make this image out of respect towards the people there. The volcanic 38 degree Celsius thermal spring:

I took a 2 hour bath, got a sunburn, had salad with swordfish and used the provided olive oil to moisture my skin.

A friendly couple gave me a lift back up the hill and back to Mosteiros. Lucky me!

I then proceeded to write this post. Well, not this one - the first one disappeared after sending which is why I am sitting on the street at 1 AM using the WiFi of the now closed bar. It's alright, I'm making money and this second version could be even better than the first one. 

So now it's time to finish this post. I wish you all the best and thank you for your support. I feel so much better since I've been away from Amsterdam. The mentality of the people here is relaxed and because it's an island everyone better watches out not to make any bullshit because otherwise it's not possible to leave anymore.

See you later,


Amazing post and beautiful pictures.

Thank you very much. I cannot upvote because my voting power is too low.

i love it!
looks like you have great fun on your trip..
i envy you... :)

Absolutely, where do u live?


Nice I've been to Sigada and Baggio, extremely wonderful memories!

I gotta go sleeping, sorry that I cannot be here any longer, cu tomorrow!! (at all)

wow! i hope i have to money to go there..
you're so lucky to go to such great places

I hope one day to go fishing, I love the lakes and the cold weather

I will organize a special deal for you with Marco when the time is right

Hey shla-rafia! What a great travel blog! We'll wait for the next instalment!

Good to hear that from you friend! Did you ever tell anyone what your name is about? Are you American Indian? It sounds to me a bit like. I am sure kus-knee has a meaning! 23 23 23 :D

Soon I will reveal all and it will be surprising!

رحلة سعيدة اخى 😄
ممكن تصويت على صفحتى

شكرا اخي. أين تعيش؟

اعيش مصر وانت اخى

Wohoho new one! Nicee.. Nice.. Let's see.. What do we have here ho-ho-ho.
That shot is so chill man! (well actually all shots are cool)

Playing with octopus, checking all amazing landscapes!
Ponta da Ferraria, Mosteiros.. my eyes!
But now the main question: how does the Bolo da Arroz tastes?? I want it!
Loved this!!!

Good that you like it. My, I say good quality, post only gets 11 views and 38 upvotes. I don't think any significant amount of people are curating. Still I make heaps of money. While I had 500 votes in the past which paid me 3,50 dollars I now get 30 and earn a hundred.

Aside from that. Yeah, party :) If you want you can decide what you want to see next on the island of Sao Miguel.

But posts don't upload themselfs on their own..
It still takes time to make good photos, video, to write how you feel and keep records of your route.
And manage this to look great in your blog.
It's not that you get something for free. It's a well-deserved result of your work.
And i'm really happy and wish that you will be able to do it in the future.

Thnaks for your input. Hey.. start blogging some shit I'll upvote it!

Yea i was thinking to try it later when i understand better how this platform works.
It should be fun :d
Anyway. You know.. it's always interesting to check your posts.
So safe travels to you man!) Waiting for more!

Be safe, too!

It tastes like .. sweet cake, fluffy. This is a very common type of cake and you will notice it immediately because it is popular together with a coffee in many parts of the world.

Ohh i want that. Ok i'll just go and buy a lot of tasty buns in nearest bakery. It's too tempting

How do you like this:

I am not sure if I should post it and therefore break the continuity :)

Hmm.. Looks like a provocative poster..
with a hidden meaning and obviously not for children?? :d
It's not bad))

I don't know. Children play with plastic machine guns and drive over people on video games then they also should be able to deal with this?
I'm not gonna NSFW that or should I? hmm.

Yeah games are quite messy this days. With all possible curse words and a lot of violence.

But i mean.. if you want to upload it on a new post. I'm not sure about all policies on steemit. But i don't think it will do any harm just because of few bad words :d
It still looks kinda cool (Even though i don't get everything in it heh)

Nice places! I love Portugal too! The rocky coast, the sun, amazing! Upvoted and followed back.

Yes! your blog screams success!