The last destiny in this tour was Daeheung-sa temple. I’d like to look around Daeheung-sa at last because this temple was not burned and destroyed during Wars in Korean history and the temple was listed on UNESCO this year.
I had visited Daeheung-sa temple more than 30 years ago. At that time I had been walking around this area and stopped by this temple as a sign of dropping by. I was not interested in the temple at that time. The important thing was the fact that I had stopped by that temple.
The tour in this time was totally different from that of my young ages’.
What made me impressive at first was the road to the temple.
I needed to drive for a while to get to the parking station.
The road to the parking lot was so beautiful. It was even sorry that people could not walk along this road. The sky was totally covered by the trees. I felt that I drove through the tunnel of trees.
From the parking lot, I walked along the road to the temple.
The road to the temple was so beautiful. The road to the temple was made along the stream.
So I could walk hearing the water sound. The water sound led me into some cozy unconsciousness.
Where the road turned away from the stream, I saw a cafe by the road.
It was very old fashioned cafe. I entered into the cafe for looking around.
The roof of the cafe was awesome with its wooden tile and the mosses
There were clothes dyed with natural dye. The colors were soft and very elegant.
I was tired of my painful knee, so took a rest in the caffe.
It seems to be a very cool place because of the shade of the tress on the way to Daeheung-sa temple @slowwalker and I am glad that there is a Cafe over there too where you can rest. They have also fermentation vessels in there too, I guess that they are making soysauce or maybe Kimchi or hot peppers perhaps.
Wow it's a nice place to visit. Surrounded by trees and going through the tunnel of trees makes pretty cool feelings! By watching your photography I could also get an idea about how you feel that!
Yeah in younger lives we can't see those things! Coz our minds are full with girls, money and etc!
I like to see more photography of the temple of Daeheung-sa!@slowwalker,
Es como estar contigo a cada paso, eso me gusta mucho.
Gracias por compartir cada episodio con nosotros.
Espero mejor tu rodilla, un abrazo y saludos desde Venezuela amigo @slowwalker
It's like being with you every step of the way, I like that.
Thanks for sharing every episode with us.
I hope your knee is better, a hug and greetings from Venezuela friend @slowwalker
Beautiful place and story.
you have had some good experiences at Korea Temple, good posting ! thanks.
Daeheung-sa Temple was listed UNESCO. It's world heritage property and powerful naturalize environment indeed. If you have visited Daeheung-sa Temple before 30 years I know you see variation of the temple from now. The road is more impressive to me. The huge trees giving big shades to everyone. The cafe has awesome products. How about rates of those items? I think cheapest price indeed. If am wrong please correct me.
I pray for you get well soon your painful knee.@slowwalker, Glad to hear
나무그늘이 시원해 보입니다
옹기들도 너무 예쁘고요
숲터널이 운치 있어보이네요. 절로 시원해지는 느낌이 듭니다.
The picture is very good where the green trees have drawn a road @slowwalker
This is a perfect place to visit someday. Such a serene environment. Thanks and good day @slowwalker
Old temples, a walk through the uncharted wilds... I envy you! Great shots, I hope that your painful knee didn't stop you from continuing your trip!
we can see from the moldy roof that this building must be very old, and it might be a historical place right now ... I hope your last vacation is fun @slowwalker.
Hello @slowwalker...lovely visit of temple
... All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree.🤗🤗🙏🙏🤗🤗
Very beautiful photos of no less beautiful nature. Good luck to you and Love.
Thank you for this beautifful visit
have a nice day
A lot sure have changed over the last 30 last years and it sure was quite a surprise for you
While to be honest this road is sure a road that anybody would just love to walk, the shades of the trees made it even more amazing !
Seems like the roads were quite beautiful indeed !
While for the cafe I do liked the pots, as far as I can guess
Well it sure was a nice day for you indeed !
The person feels himselself very little when the surrounding trees are so tall,, it is like in a fairy-tale. Might be really enjoyable to have a little stop at hte cafe, in the heart of greens. Again, the style of old time with terracotte pottery and wooden terrace with benches and umbrellas combine old and present time. I would love to visit this place and have some snacks on fresh air. Looks quite empty, have you been early morning there?
enjoyed walking with you on your little cafe stumbling adventure!
Fantastic photoghraphy. Thankyou for hhare with us
Hmm old era
Really calm place, great to hang out
I would love to visit a place like this!
Congratulations to Daeheung-sa temple for a new list on UNESCO World Heritage site. The road is wonderful as I saw from your photos. Thank you for sharing. Have a great time @slowwalker.
대흥사가 올해 유네스코에 등재되었군요. 다음 사진이 기대됩니다.
무릎건강 잘 챙기시구요.ㅎㅎ
Excellent. peaceful.
It is incredible that you have gone to this beautiful place full of so many trees, they have very beautiful handicrafts, there are so many beautiful objects, it is a great place to enjoy nature.
rest very well and take care of your knee! @slowwalker 😊👍.
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The Road and The Cafe to Daeheung-sa Temple an in Haenam. #steemtalent #JoinSteemit #Steemit @Steemit
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You deserve a good photographer
yes its a nice place to visit