Sorry to hijack your thread miss but I'm so tired of seeing chemtrails on every god damn pic, it's becoming the norm and this is really dangerous. If our kids start thinking these are natural clouds the world is in deep shit.
Natural clouds ( big nice round and puffy )
Artificals clouds ( aka stratospheric aerosols aka chemtrails aka poison/heavy metals)
Stratospheric aerosols injection admitted
Testimony from pilots,doctors and scientists
Thank you for alerting us to this. I can see this is quite an issue. I'll try not to take pictures of chem trails. They weren't the reason I took them above either.
Those are normal condensation trails and that guy is just hijacking your thread to draw attention to his nonsense.Hi @sweetsssj, please don't get fooled by chem-trailers like this one, those are pretty much same guys like flat-earthers and other FUD spreading, attention seeking trolls. Don't be mislead @sweetsssj, He's not talking about air pollution, but a global conspiracy where there's some kind of secret spraying program.
It's not conspiracy when obamas own former head of cia made very clear that aerosol injections do exist. He was basically confessing and I guess in hopes to gradually get the public to accept it through the guise of fighting climate change.
No no, you can of course take any pic you want. I was just explaining why I made this comment. From a purely aesthetic stand point though, pics with natural clouds looks a lot better.
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