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RE: Lima's Sueños: Guatemaltecos, Body Music, Teatros, GIRL POWA?

in #travel7 years ago

Lima! Fuck YEAH you're back!!! It looks like you had an amazing experience, and I didn't know your hair was pink. Anyways, I'm ready to judge your new and improved Spanish skills hahahaha xD

Glad to have you back, you're looking great!


Jaja puez era un mes con clases privado. Aun necessito apprender muuuucho pero yes es mucho mejor como antes.

Siento mejor de mi vida y espero mucho mas lo puedar viene..

And the splanglish where i accidently say something in English. Pasa el otro lado tambien...

Y yo pintè (yeah thats the wrong accent but whatever) mi pelo en san marcos tambien.. ahora es menos.. :(