Thailand, Tigers and More

in #travel7 years ago

Have you ever just "Hung Out" with Tigers?

The following are well cared for, un-drugged Siberian Tigers (or I would not be there).


BeFunky Collage3.jpg

There is SO much to see and do in Thailand, I can never get enough, and I absolutely love their culture.
BeFunky Collage5.jpgLeft picture is the infamous Water Market

AWWWWWWW way too cute little guy!!

Hope you enjoyed my post, because I enjoy making them!

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Wish that I could be with tigers like this!

Looks like a awesome experience XD

Omg that's so adorable!! i'm so jealous , i wish i could know the tigers someday :(

You are the tiger girl! jaja

You indeed have the dare to do this my sweetie. Hats off and i am impressed. Have never hugged tigers in my life and am a bit scared to do even :-). You rock as always. Regards Nainaz

beautiful tigers sister

Cool are you not a little bit scared?

Incredible photography . I can not imagine to go so close of tigers as Tigers are the real beast and attack any time on any one but u seems a real Tiger Girl
who not scare with any one and sit in tiger cage with no fear. Great work @steem-samiam

You indeed have the dare to do this my sweetie. Hats off and i am impressed


omg so beautiful photos but how u not scary from tigers ??

Being that close to a tiger is really fascinating. I'm pretty sure you were patting them saying "Hello kitty kitty! You should probably be in the world book of record for being the most fearless woman or lady on earth :)Impressive!!!

On top of what i said allow me to add this..You are so beautiful...No!!No!1 I think i'm somehow wrong. You are not beautiful. You are beyond beauful :). Now i can go

Blushing :) Thanks!

Very terrible...
luckily tiger is tame
if not tame, oh god ...
I hope my friend is not in that place

just kidding :)

I would love to see that. It looks like you and the kitties are getting along well! Do they like tummy rubs?

lol, yes, they are happy as long as you apply pressure when rubbing them or laying on them

damn man i cant even think of that

They look so lovely...nice photos you got here!!!@steem-samiam

oh its nice too

How dare you I salute the gorgeous friend steemit

so cool, only big cat I've ever been up close was a Florida Panther

Wow! I was amazed that you're able to see these magnificent animals close and personal. That's amazing!

Your love for Tigers is amazing

"Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa guaraaaaaaaaaaaaa!" again!

That's so cool id love to do that but im such a chicken i would probably pass it up. 🐔

thanks for post.please come to my blog page :)

That really looks so scary I can't think about going inside the cage....

I would love to hang out with these big cats one day. :D :D :D You can be very happy that you experienced this. 😄😄 I am not sure about the tigers (well I think that there is also something wrong), but I saw some bad things about the elephants. They go through a very unpleasant process before they are ready to be ridden. 😓