The highest place in this video is about 5000 meters above sea level and every 1000 meters is about 6-7 degrees better cooling, compared to normal weather. Sunny July is still some -10 degrees or colder, there is also some wind, tens of meters per second. But nice and sunny it was indeed, until wind tied to blow me from Georgia to Russia :D
Yes, full winter clothing with hat and gloves. Other thing is, the UV-radiation is extra-powerful at higher altitude and too long time without protective goggles is very dangerous for eyes...
The highest place in this video is about 5000 meters above sea level and every 1000 meters is about 6-7 degrees better cooling, compared to normal weather. Sunny July is still some -10 degrees or colder, there is also some wind, tens of meters per second. But nice and sunny it was indeed, until wind tied to blow me from Georgia to Russia :D
Hehe...definitely long sleeves then. Might need a coat :)
Yes, full winter clothing with hat and gloves. Other thing is, the UV-radiation is extra-powerful at higher altitude and too long time without protective goggles is very dangerous for eyes...
Yeah I found that when riding over the mountaintops in Norway. Took my shades off n my eyes nearly popped
And skin will burn ;)