Filling Fishing Day in "Malacca Strait"

in #travel7 years ago

Fishing sometimes become a hobby and not infrequently sebahagian people to fill the holidays, leisure time and not sedik polished fishing place made so beautiful to be a place of fishing super luxury.

Offshore offshore richness ranges only a few miles from Kuala Raja, Bireun Aceh precisely in the Malacca Strait seputaran South China Sea has been polished a small 10x15m Floating House ready to act satisfy the angler's desire with various types of fish.

For the sake of the satisfaction of the heart does not need to spend much money, even if the journey is tiring. If so no need to worry, to find a solution of peace of mind, fishing can be the answer, simply capitalize fishing equipment and bait and a little sea transportation we can fish while calming the mind.




