This is my opinion

in #travel7 years ago

Does not like to see a scene like this but in my opinion this tourist spot is very beautiful and very enjoy the beauty of this universe

And many people who like this place especially with water like this many who like to bathe with cold WATE  because the beauty must be very pleasing and the feeling of US who are traveling to this tourist spot and can be seen what kind clean and this place

follow me @sulaimankumbang


Postingan abg tentang air terjun semua ya bg.? Keindahan alam memang bagus untuk di posting bang.

Terima kasih sudah mampir ke postingan saya kawan

Kalau ada waktu bg, abg bisa juga kunjungin blog aulia. Lihat lihat aja bg. Mana tau ada yang bermafaat. :)

Wooow mantap-mantap kali bang air terjun nya.

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