London - Travel with me #7 跟著Susan去旅行 #7

in #travel8 years ago


Hi my Steemit friends!! I'm Susan! Hope you're doing great! Last time I shared my travel experience in King's Cross. You can see how amazing London is!! This time, I'd like to share my experience in Greenwich. Thank you for your support❤️

親愛的Steemit朋友們大家好!我是Susan哦! 很久沒見啦!上次我跟大家分享了我在國王十字的美好時光。相信大家都感受到倫敦的魅力了!今天,我想跟大家分享的是我在格林尼治的經歷。感謝大家的支持哦❤️

1. Royal Observatory Greenwich 格林尼治皇家天文台

20630118_10207669182805843_314541521_o (1).jpg

Royal Observatory Greenwich is the historic home of Greenwich Mean Time, the Prime Meridian of the World, and most importantly, British astronomy. If you like astronomy, you should definitely pay a visit to this Observatory!


INTERESTING FACT: In October 1884, the Greenwich Meridian was selected to be the common ZERO OF LONGITUDE and standard of time reckoning throughout the world in the International Meridian Conference held in the U.S.. The modern prime meridian, which is the prime meridian that currently has the widest use, is placed very close to this meridian.
趣味小知識:在1884年10月,「國際子午線會議」結束後,格林尼治的本初子午線被選為公認的 0度經線 以及計算世界時間的標準。現時最為廣泛使用的本初子午線與這條線只有非常短的距離。

While Hong Kong is regarded as a city where 'East meets West', the Royal Observatory is LITERALLY where East and West meet! Look! 0° 00′00.00″ West and 0° 00′00.00″ East!!!

我們都知道,香港因其"東西碰撞"的文化而聞名; 但在格林尼治皇家天文台,你才能見識到什麼叫真真正正的東西交會!!你看,是 0° 00′ 00.00″ 西和 0° 00′ 00.00″東!!!


It is where the Prime Meridian is located!! So, half my body is in the WESTERN hemisphere and the other half in the EASTERN hemisphere!! ;pp




And Hong Kong is located at 114° 15′ E :):)

香港位於114° 15′ E :):)



My body extends from Hong Kong to Singapore!!! LOLLL!!



And let's see what's more......This is the Great Equatorial Telescope in an ONION DOME!!! Interesting, isn't it ;pp This colossal telescope is one of the largest in the world ;)🔭

讓我們看看還有什麼......這是在 洋蔥拱頂 中的巨型赤道望遠鏡!!難道不是十分有趣嗎?;pp 它是全世界最大的望遠鏡之一;) 🔭


The telescope is round at each end but rectangular in the middle. Do you know why? It's because its mount was built for a much smaller telescope, so the middle part of the tube had to be tapered in order to fit!! Smart people can always find a way-out for the unexpected ;pp



In 1967, people started to use atoms instead of stars to tell time. This atomic clock represents this historical change because it was used by the National Physical Laboratory which invented the WORLD'S FIRST atomic clock. It is when Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) appeared :):)

在1967年,人們用觀星來計算時間,而非原子。這個原子鐘代表了這個歷史性的改變,因為它曾經被英國國家物理實驗室使用;而這個機構發明了 世界第一個 原子鐘。他們造就了「世界協調時間」(UTC) 的誕生:):)


Sorry, this one looks better...;pp



And this is a HUGE atomic clock!!! Imagine a clock like this in your house...!!!



And this is the amazingly-designed Octagon Room. It's designed by Sir Christopher Wren, one of the most famous English architects in history.

這時一個奇妙的八角房。它是英國史上其中一個最出名的建築師Sir Christopher Wren克里斯多佛·雷恩 設計的。


And the GPS Receivers...Heyy!!! What's iPhone doing here in a museum? they mean iPhone 4 has become an ANTIQUE?!! OK, technology goes much farther than we could imagine ;pp

還有GPS系統......嘿!!iPhone在這裏幹什麼?難道他們想帶出的信息是......iPhone 4 已經成為古董了?!好吧,科技日新月異,遠比我們想像得要快得多呢;pp


Just come and explore the Observatory!! You'll see more interesting things!! And, situated in the Greenwich Park, the view from the Royal Observatory was just breathtaking!!! :)




2. Cutty Sark 卡蒂薩克號


Cutty Sark was originally designed to carry tea from China to England. Built in 1869, it was the world’s ONLY SURVIVING tea clipper, and the FASTEST at that time. Now, visitors are allowed to climb up and take some nice photos with it!!

卡蒂薩克號 原本是為把茶葉從中國運到英國而建造的。它建於1869年,是世界上唯一一艘保留下來的專運茶葉的帆船,並且是當時航行速度最快的帆船。開放參觀之後,我們可以上船一飽它的風采啦!




And you can find some nice souvenirs at the shop nearby:



3. Old Royal Naval College 舊皇家海軍軍校


Having more than 500 years of history, the site has been used as Greenwich Palace, the Royal Naval Hospital of Seamen and then the Royal Naval College. It's designed by Sir Christopher Wren (again!) and it's one of the best architectures in Europe.

經歷了500年的風霜,此地曾被用為格林尼治皇宮皇家水手醫院以及皇家海軍軍校。這是Sir Christopher Wren克里斯多佛·雷恩 設計的(又是他哦),被譽為歐洲最美的建築之一。




I strongly recommend you joining the Painted Hall Ceiling Tour🎨 to see the masterpiece of Sir James Thornhill. It took him about 20 years to paint in the early 1700s!!!

我強烈建議大家參加Painted Hall Ceiling Tour 彩繪禮堂天花遊🎨, 親眼見證Sir James Thornhill用了20年,在1700年代完成的精采絕倫的大作!!


4. Greenwich Market 格林尼治集市


You can find more than 100 crafts, arts and stalls here!! And if you are a foodie, it's definitely a place you'll like!! It's similar to Camden Town, and both places are worth visiting:):)





Let's see how it's made...Simple but delicious!!


Wonderful!! 🍫🍓



Look what I find! A Hong Kong 1901 one cent!!! What are you waiting for? Come and start your treasure hunt now!!! ;pp



5. Emirates Air Line cable car 阿聯酋航空纜車


Needless to say, the ride is a nice way to enjoy the incredible views of London. We took the cable car from the Greenwich Peninsula to the Royal Dock and finished our adventure today. Along the journey, you could know more about the cable car and London by listening to the recording broadcasted :):) And, we can see people doing wakeboarding!!!!

可想而知,坐纜車是俯瞰倫敦美景的好方式。我們從格林尼治半島坐到皇家碼頭,結束了一天的行程。在旅途中,你可以聽到車中的廣播,了解更多關於纜車及倫敦的故事:):) 我們還看見有人在滑水呢!






Let's see how it feels (my friend was so scared):


Of course, there're still a lot to explore in Greenwich. And for reference:


the National Maritime Museum Greenwich 格林尼治國家航海博物館

MBNA Thames Clippers MBNA 快速帆船

the O2

We spent a fruitful day in Greenwich. Being a World Heritage Site, Greenwich is DEFINITELY worth visiting:):) If you visit London, don't forget to visit Greenwich!!! I guess I'd stop here:) Thanks for reading!! If you have any comments, suggestions or questions, please feel free to tell me! I'll share more about this amazing city in the future!! :):)

我們在格林尼治度過了充實的一天。如果你來倫敦,一定不要忘記到格林尼治來哦!哈哈今天就寫到這兒吧:) 謝謝你的耐心!如果有任何的意見、建議或問題,都請在留言中告訴我哦!我會分享更多關於這座美麗的城市的故事給大家的!:)

Please follow ME @susanlo! Thanks a lot for your support! ❤️

請追蹤 @susanlo!謝謝你的支持!❤️


Hah, I live in Camden Town :-)
I'm glad to see you have enjoyed London a lot :-)

say hello with my upvote. XD

Lol thanks :D

Wowww really! I like Camden! :):)
Haha yup I LOVE it!! It's really an incredible city >V< Thanks for your comment!!

Enjoy stydying here then! (I guessed you are studying in London) :D

Haha yup!!! I was an exchange student in London XD And I enjoyed it a looooot:) Thanks!

Great post thank you - and I fully upvoted you. You seem to be very good at this as it isn't just that you have a lot of steem power. Can you give me any tips on how you are getting such a good following to vote with voting power? Much appreciated

Hope it helps! Cheers!Thanks VERY much @katythompson! :):) I'm really grateful about that :) Haha for me, I always try my best to keep up the standard of my posts:) For example, I will always write about things that may be interested to the readers ;p And, detailed description is also important. I think replying ALL the comments of my post (except "Nice spots, please follow me") is also vital to my "success" ;) In a nutshell, great efforts will pay off! :):)

Very impressive post and great photos. Thanks for sharing..

Thank you very much !! Haha I'll share more in the future! ;)

Have no words for these sublime contects. superb:-)

Thanks SOOOO much for you compliment!!! I'm REALLY glad to hear that >V< I'll keep up and share more in the future! Cheers ;p

Wonderful travel

Yup it's really nice!! and thanks for supporting me :)

Thanks a lottt:)

wonderful photography...

Thanks soo much :)

impresionante :D

Thanks a loooot :)

Wao me gustan tus fotos

Gracias >V< lo haré mejor en el futuro :):)

awesome. keep up the good job posting interesting travel articles. Hope we can all benefit vicariously through your travels!

Thanks veryyy much :) Haha yup I'll definitely keep up and share more stories like this to you! Cheers! ;p

are you there to further your study as well?
nice photos btw.

Haha I'm not sure about that yet!
Thanks very much :):)

Hi susan. . Thankyou for sharing. I like your post. .

Hi @nazarwills!! :) thanks soo much for your support!

Follow me @nazarwills. . I have followed @susanlo.

Ok sure :)

There's so much history everywhere you see

Yup that's true!! And it's MUCH more interesting to experience history than studying history by reading books!! :)

nice & cute pic.

Thanks veryyy much :):)

Absolutely great post!

Thanks soo much @kenan1989 :)

It would be good if you gave us an idea of ​​the amount of money you need to have, to make that trip!
Greetings from Venezuela!

website XD For transportation, it depends on which station you come from:) Actually most of the spots are FREE!! So I think it's definitely worth visiting!!
Hope it helps! Cheers:)Thanks VERYYY much @hada!!! I'm so glad that you like it!!! Haha do you mean how much it would cost if you're in London? Ummm let me see. If you're a student, it costs you £7.5 for the observatory. And for Cutty Sark, it's free if you don't go ONTO it :) But the food in Greenwich market was kinda expensive. For the snack I showed in GIF, it cost £4 ;p And for the cable car, it costs around £3.5! It's better to checkout their

Thank you for answering my question!
I find excellent that there is an opportunity to visit places like these, for a "low cost".
In my country, that "small amount" is much more than a minimum salary!
£15 = 330.000BS
So you're very lucky!
Enjoy your little adventures a lot, and keep sharing them with us!♡♡

You're very welcome!!
Nawww I didn't say the amount is "small" coz I also think the living cost in London is SUPER high! Definitely higher than HK... TVT
Yup and I'm lucky :')
haha thanks again! I'll keep up and share more in the future!:)

Cute Susan! Waiting for your new post for so long ❤️ 美美的!

Thanks soooo much Nic!!! You're cute too ❤️ Yup I'll make posts more frequently TVT Thanks for always supporting me >V< Cheers!!!!!🍻



add oil!

Thanks Kitttt!!! Add oil tgt!! :)





Hey,Nice post.
Gave you a follow

Hey @hussainasghar!! Thanks so much for supporting me! :)

I like tour

Me too:)


謝謝支持>V< haha!!這次旅程真的很豐富!!很高興有帶著別人去旅行的感覺:):) 下次去倫敦一定要去看看哦!這裏真的很漂亮,只看那個公園就知道了;pp

Great post susan.

Thanks very much @jigs3716 :)

Wow! That's the literal meaning of
east meets west! :)
Splendid photography too! I thought the guy was making takoyaki. Food is love! 😍
You have a new follower.. ;)

Why are asians so cool? ^u^
(I'm from the Philippines by the way. xD)

Thanks veryyyyy much!!! Haha yup literally!!! You should definitely visit there!! ;p
Haha thanks!! It's REALLY beautiful! OMG is it takoyaki? I don't even know WHAT I ATE!!! LOLL thanks so much for solving this mystery!!! Coz I couldn't find any name on their stall hahaha!
Thanks very much for following me and I've followed you too!! :)
We are all coolll ;p Greetings from Hong Kong~ Cheers!

Oh sweet! A lengthy reply! Thank you for your time to reply on my weird comment. Hahaha! :)
If i had the budget to travel why not! Hahaha... I'm to see photos for now, makes me feel like i'm there. ;)
I think that was takoyaki but the contents was like sweet stuff if i am right.
I know takoyaki has vegetables & octopus in it. @u@

You from Hongkong? Hello there neighbor! Good evening to you! :)Woah! Thanks for following me too @susanlo! I have such random posts so please forgive me. Heheh... :)

I'm sooo glad to know you feel like you're traveling with me!! haha that's my aim of writing the travel blogs ;p
Haha thanks for explaining the food!!! That's alright as long as it tastes nice!! XD (I haven't been to Japan and it sounds like a Japanese food)
Haha you're very welcome!! ;pp Let's work hard tgt!!
Yup I'm from Hong Kong ;p Hi there!! Good afternoon!! ;]

Good afternoon Susan! :)
Maybe i could travel, but only in Asia. Outside asia is a bit pricey, and i don't have the time. Maybe Hongkong someday? ;)
As long as it's food, i will never complain! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yes! Let's support each and every other Steemian! I only have 0.02 upvote value at the moment though. :3
Come let's eat snacks! :D

Yup I guess I won't visit London if I didn't study there for exchange. Haha Hong Kong welcomes you!!!
And the food in Hong Kong is nice ;p
Haha let's grow tgt!! :)

Wow you are an exchange student? What level are you in? High school? College? That's cool! ^u^
If you are back in HongKong, maybe who knows, i can go there! So i have a place to crash on. Hahah! :)
Keep on Steemin'! :D
More power to us all!

greenwich mean time

I think I would jump across the Prime Meridian 10 times

Hahaha that's what I did!! It was really exciting to move between western and eastern hemisphere ;pp!

You must listen to the nursery rhyme "The London Bridge fell".

Haha I've heard that !!

Thank you for sharing your amazing trip with us. The pictures are awesome and the narration is clear , we all learned something. BTW you look really pretty in the pictures :) Upvoted and resteemed :)

Thanks sooo much @practicaleric!! I'm REALLY glad to know you like it :):) Haha it's a nice place to visit!! Thanks for your compliment:):) Cheers!;pp

Hi evryone.
Incredible post. Very nice.

I agree with this article this is the great story and also nice post

WoW @susanlo ! It seems you had the adventure of a lifetime! I never imagined all the cool things there are to do and see in London. Great story and photos to go with. I think that meridian divider you were sitting on double as a trak for the electric trolley - LQQK out!!

Thank @lanceman for always supporting me!! :):) haha you can find many incredible things in London!! ;p omg it may really be a track!! Gonna look out LOLLL! 😏


對呀:):) 這裏很有現代與歷史交匯的感覺,看到從前只在書本上見過的東西真的很震撼呢:):)

Hi bro Nice Your Post
Hi Can You Help Me By Upvote Follow Me? I Am Follow U And Give Upvote.

great adventure, I hope someday gonna do that also

Thanks very much :) Wish you can go! It's really a nice place!

your'e welcome

好酷的地方啊!!! 寫得好詳細, 讓我們大家都免費旅遊一趟了!! :D

謝謝Lydia的讚賞:):) haha我寫遊記就是想讓大家有種跟著我去旅行的感覺>V< 我會加油的!

加油喔!!!! :)

oh, good!
사람과 자연이 어울러진 멋진 곳이네요
그리니치 천문대, 책에서만 봤네요.
즐거운 여행 되세요

감사합니다! :):) 네, 맞아요, 여기 풍경도 아름답고 건물도 너무 좋아요!! (대부분 관광명소 무료요! ㅋㅋ)
ㅎㅎ 이천문대에 재미있는거 많아요 :) 기회 생기면 꼭 가야 되세요 ;pp
네, 감사합니다 :):)🎉좋은 하루되세요:)!

Muy divertido el viaje que compartes con nosotros, compartir tus experiencias es de lo mejor

Gracias:) Lo haré mejor en el futuro!! ;pp

Cute, Susan! Waiting for your new post for so long ❤️ 美美的!:D

Thanks soo much Deannn!! You're cute too❤ Yup I'll make posts more frequently TVT Thanks for always supporting me >v< Cheers! 🍻

真想把劉美女打成劉姥姥😏😌BTW thankss wholeheartedly :):)

你... 不錯... 雖然真心想打我...



嘿嘿,我也發現你發現我發現了;pp 不錯不錯!XD

Hi @susanlo ...........You have shared a beautiful post of your step by step tour of London with us .... your Photographs are amazing and specially your Hong Kong 1 cent currency of 1901 is great discovery...... hope you will keep updated us by your posts regarding your traveling....


Haha yup you can find many interesting things in Greenwich!
Sure, I'll keep up and share more in the future ;ppHaha hiii @nazirkhyber!! Thanks very much :)

You are welcome @susanlo ....

great post! nice photography

Thanks veryyy much :):) I'll keep up!

Nice place and photos @susanlo, great post and keep it up :)

Thank you sooo much :) Yup I will!! ;pp

Wow i used to live in london and worked in greenwich delivering newspapers.
i used to drop off to a shop right next to the cutty sark and miss seeing it everyday.
so thanks for this post really has reminded me of those good days.
seems like you having an excellent trip.
i also driven around the millenium dome concourse which now is the o2 as there was shop there also. soon it will be getting on for 20 years since it was built.
Going to follow you as i wanna see where you go next and see more great photo's

Oh really!! Then you must miss it a LOT!!! It's really beautiful and I felt relaxed when I was there :)
you're very welcome:) It's my pleasure to share my happiness with you :) Now, I miss London too and I could consider those days as 'good old days' like you do :')
When I was there around a year ago, the O2 seemed to be still under construction(?) haha! I was not sure about what it was because it looked just strange LOLLL!
I've followed you too :) Thanks sooo much for replying me and reminding me of the days :) Haha I'll share more in the future! Cheers! >V<

Yes it was made for the 2000 end of year celebrations and did house some exhibits. then after they just didn't know what to do with it... was going to be many things but ended up a concert venue. never any planning in the uk for after. thx for following me as well. my family still lives in london.. camden another fab trendy place and i often down visiting so get best of both worlds.

Haha! People usually don't know what to do with a venue after the event it is made for has ended LOL!
Wowww Camden is a nice place! I've been there once and I fell in love with it immediately!! It's great to enjoy your life in both cities :)

I guess it is nice to travel and i have not done so for a good few years now.. but i do like going to and visting places that tourists don't generally go as well. off the beaten to you do findout about the cultures and people and ways more. Certain places are geared towards tourism and that's not really what i look for...camden can be a bit like that.. it's great but as it has grown in popularity. The area has changed alot. better for the tourists than the locals. but you could say this about anywhere in the world. mass tourism has a huge effect on cities and a lot seem to be fed up... I love tourists and have met many from different nations and been one myself. I guess it's just the scale and now i live in a town. The whole of the center of london is just geared towards tourists. So are other cities around the world. saddens me abit.

Very tasty and delicious food pictures. Like it! Thank you so much for sharing with us. We follow you on your trip. Greetings Salima & Timo

Thanks very much :) cheers!

Very nice observatory and interesting to see an atomic clock!

Thanks a lot!! You can find many interesting things thereeee! Please do visit there if you go to London :) cheers!

Thanks for sharing :)



Thanks for sharing all the historical places and knowledge toooo :)