It’s Time for Africa! 🇿🇦🇸🇨

in #travel7 years ago

As a true procrastinator, I haven’t packed my suitcase yet. I’ll head for the airport in two hours, and I’ll be staying in Africa for one month.

I’m sure I will be fine, but how in the world is it possible to not have packed anything? Especially when I’ve been home for the last two days.


But I’m quite proud of myself still, I’ve managed to place my Steemit hat next to the suitcase!

Two very different trips are in front of me,l. Beach life, relaxing and active workcation in the Seychelles first. And then two weeks of work and fun in Cape Town. The weather is also quite different in these two places, so I have a busy two hours ahead of me!

Wish me luck!! And maybe light a candle for my procrastination issue!



Best of luck my dear.. I ll pray for you surely.. I like your hat and passion to..

We are waiting for you, come see some beautiful and different sceneries

far away his travel mate yes, hopefully until safely @susanne

Have a great time Suzanne, i love Africa, hope to get back to Tanzania this year and maybe tick off a few more countries while am over there. Looking forward to see your photos on here.
Just travel light you only need a bikini for the first 2 weeks anyway ha ha

I like it ! When you go to Tanzania ,just let me know. !

Good luck packing and enjoy your trip. I heard the Seychelles are amazing!

Welcome to Africa! I hope you enjoy the atmosphere her prides offers you

Have a good and save trip.

Important is the Steemit hat :)

Best of Luck have a safe Journey And enjoy it alot

explore the world while we are youngcongratulations @susanne

I need to get one of those Steemit hats. I always forget something while packing, but the hat seems easy enough to remember;) Have fun in Africa!

Take care and enjoy the Africa trip, explore the world while we still can.

Du får ha en god tur, @susanne! Jeg ser frem til å lese om hvordan turen blir :)

Good Luck! I start packing at least a week in advance~!

Good luck to the africa. follow you already I know I can learn alot from you especially travel And etC.

That’s exciting!! Let me know if you’re looking for tips or a tour guide when you get to Cape Town, would be great to connect!! Happy packing ✨

Oh yes, you get some much other stuff done, when you really have to work on quite a different issue, right? :D

Best of luck for your trip!

Aw, cool, have fun!! I'm the same with last minute packing, haha, but I think some people just need the pressure to become organized, right?

Hello, Thank you for sharing your experience, I'm a traveler as a photographer, I love your work, Hope we can be good mates in steemit as followers.

Haha, although I don't have a way to solve your procrastination issue in a day I do on the other hand a little tip to help your packing for coming travels!

Step 1: As your pack your bag going somewhere (e.g. 2 weeks, warm location), make a list in your fav' note-taking system with todo checkboxes next to them

Step 2: The next time you go to a similar location, surrender to your nature and wait to the last minute then throw everything on your list down while checking things off

Step 3: Uncheck the boxes before next trip and extend your system with different lists such as "Weekend", "Three week work location", "Ski vacation" and repeat!

Otherwise, if you're into travelling, vlogs, self-development etc feel free to check out my channel, in any case keep up the good work and I'll see you around! 😄

So exciting!!

It seems to me that you're really not concerned with what you need to bring as you are what you are about to experience... Travel light, and fill up your suitcase with awesome sights, sounds, and memories of your days abroad!

Så kult :D Misunnelig!

Not sure if lighting a candle will do the job. I just lighted the barn on fire, hoping to solve your problem<3

This sounds very familiar! I have serious procrastination issues as well, especially when it comes to packing. Unfortunately also unpacking, so very often I don't manage to unpack before I have to pack again... Your vacation plans sounds awesome by the way! Best of luck and safe travels! :) Helen

I procrastinate way too much. Probably the reason why I'm not that successful in life but it feels like it's coded into me.

Well I hope you have/had a safe flight to Africa. I bet you are going to have a great time @susanne! :)

GLEDE MEG :D Dette blir så bra!! :)