I moved from Australia to Norway in February last year. I must say I love being back home in good, old and cold Norway. But there are days here that are extra cold and boring. What do I do then? I look at some pics from down under!
Australia is such a beautiful country! Great Ocean Road blew me away.
As you can see, I had an amazing time in Australia. But you know, home is where the heart is.
Skjønner godt at du savner dette @Susanne. Blir litt lysegrønn av misunnelse her jeg sitter :)
Jeg skjønner godt at du saver litt mer eksotiske steder enn Norge på gråværsdager her! Flotte bilder forresten :)
Takk for forståelsen! :p Ja, her i Stavanger er det helt grusomt nå.
Takk for det.
Åh, det er det ja? Vi har hatt noe helt vanvittig med vind her på Østlandet nå, så kan se for meg at det er noen hakk værre ved kysten!
I know how you feel lived there for a year! great pictures. But i think a European summer is super fun to, witch gives you time to escape when winter hits here
Did you? Where? Thank you very much. It can absolutely be fun here too. I'll spend a week in Copenhagen soon, and I can't wait to share pictures from there.
Traveled the East Coast twice, lived in Perth for 6 months and Monkey Mia (great place)
So need to get to Oz - thanks for adding further fuel to the fire! Looks absolutely amazing!
Yes, you do! I am happy to give you advice on restaurants in Melbourne and Sydney. It's an amazing country.
Omg! You are making me want to go back to Australia to visit.. I love the great ocean road as well.. the apostles are spectacular! And loved the cockatoos hehe
Yes, wasn't it amazing? So many breathtaking views. When did you visit?
It’s been like 5 years! But it’s truly one of my favorite places ❤️
Wow, it's really cool. Are you working as a photographer? The scenery was great. I think the picture structure is perfect. It is very pretty! @susanne :D
Thank you. No, I'm not. They're all mobile pictures.
I agree. This place is unreal.
Maybe the place is pretty, but i think you're good at taking pictures :D
without a doubt moving to another city can be painful at times, we can be invaded by the nostalgia of those places, people and moments that have marked our lives, without a doubt seeing photos and memories can lead you to new sensations and more those beautiful photos
Lots of wonderful photos I love them all
You really had a good time beautiful country and nice people and of course delicious food i live in Belgium and it is cold even at summer but looking back to good warm memories make me feel better as you did. Thanks for sharing your good time with us and wish you all the best
I miss Australia too! It's been just over two years since I came home but I still miss it every day - I think Australia might be my home then because that's where my heart is!
Ahh, masse gode minner fra Australia selv. Et utrolig spennende og vennlig land. Elsker det! Er likevel så laaaaaaangt hjemmefra at jeg vet ikke om jeg noensinne kommer tilbake dit. Fine bilder!
It looks really nice there Susanne, and good to have something nice to think about when there is bad weather in Norway. Here in northern Norway it has been raining every day for 4 weeks, now we are getting tired of the cold and wet weather. Thank you for sharing the nice memories, great picture.😀👍🏻
Eg likte spesielt godt dei tre første bileta i bloggen din samt dei mange fine bileta dine av der matrettane vart presentert på ein heldig måte.Nydelege bilete frå Australia @Susanne
Med vennleg helsing
Australians always put a smile on my face. Anytime I have been around people from Australians their little sayings and chill attitude is always fun!
I completely agree. They are "chill". Speaking of chill, when are you visiting Norway, to cool down from the heat in AZ?
It is a real good question. I'm selling my house in Arizona and it has been this ongoing annoying process. I almost feel like me traveling around has been something I have been talking about for years. Hopefully someday I can live the dream!
Great to see those pictures from Australia. But don't forget summer is coming in Norway! And I've lived one year for a customer in the Scandinavian countries and your country is the most beautiful. So count your blessings to know you've lived in those beautiful countries! 😎