You have superb writing skills & do take slamming pictures. Hm do you have soemone doing them for you? Im asking as 'you' are in like every secodn one ;) LOL
Ok so here is how this is going to pan out : I see your act is ideal, you must keep hitting the upv button, !!!! your act should not be at 100% Vp!! Il will delegate 100sp to you & i will be checking in , if you need any help, please let me know, delgation will be active for 1month & i reserv the right to pull it, if i find negative/discriminating/ political coments.Good day, im here by recomendation of @simplymike
I respect your privacy and hope you will respect mine.
Happy safe steeming & good luck :D
Hmm ook, why are we talking about this??