I can definitely see why your blog so popular. Most bloggers don't bother to write back, but you do put the time and dedication to each individual posting. If the blogger don't engage themselves to community, then they are missing the point. The Steemit community will voice their opinion ultimately and will award those who put the time and effort to create great contents. Like the old saying goes, what ever positive energy you give to the universe, the universe will eventually gives back in return. Thanks.
I can definitely see why your blog so popular. Most bloggers don't bother to write back, but you do put the time and dedication to each individual posting. If the blogger don't engage themselves to community, then they are missing the point. The Steemit community will voice their opinion ultimately and will award those who put the time and effort to create great contents. Like the old saying goes, what ever positive energy you give to the universe, the universe will eventually gives back in return. Thanks.
You're welcome halfscreen, you make some meaningful comments so it's a pleasure :)