Dear Steemit Friends:

Today, I'm taking my Steemit friends on a walk through the streets of Hong Kong. As you know, I was in Hong Kong at the end of last year and each visit, I'm still overwhelmed by the sheer magnificence of the city and it's soaring skyline. I thought it would be a fantastic opportunity to take part in the Steemitphotochallenge which at the time was themed on something architecture related, but with the frantic sight seeing of Hong Kong, I some how missed it!
This inverted picture is like a magic act, as if a building is coming out from another building. In reality it's because the buildings in Hong Kong are built so close to each other to try maximise the limited land. This is something you'll find hard to see in any other city in the world.
At night, the streets of Hong Kong light up with neon lights everywhere. It's very pretty but sometimes overwhelming with so many colours and lights all over the place.
SaSa is a very popular store that you'll see all over the streets of Hong Kong, you only need to walk what seems like 10 meters before you see another store. I'm pretty sure there are more SaSa stores than there are banks or pharmacies, this say's a-lot about the people of Hong Kong's attitudes towards make up and appearance.
Festive Atmosphere!
There seems to be some sort of meeting or conference happening right in the middle of this street.
Since there is so little space in Hong Kong, many of the brands like to run promotional events on the streets. Usually they'll give out freebies such as balloons or cute stuffed dolls. I think it's the same in other countries like Japan or Korea.
Here, the promoters are wearing moustaches and top hats, it reminds me very much of my Miss. Opinionated series.
Lots of people are queuing up to take photos with the Santa doll.
There are even girls who cosplay as characters from games.
The volunteering society has even brought their cute dogs along to help promote their cause.
And just by the bustling streets outside, there are people in the Samsung store trying out their new Gear VR products.
People in Hong Kong are very willing to try new things, this is why they roam the streets browsing through the various promotions. I think it's a great place to do some promotion of Steemit, maybe the next time I visit we should organise a little stall and do person to person introductions of Steemit!
Lots of Cartoon's and Manga's.
This is Tong Lo Wan's Time Square, and the picture below is one of the most popular food / snack stalls.
Here we enter a shopping mall.
Inside the mall, we see Ferrero Rocher running a promotional event for one of their new chocolates.
Here we have the Chef's showcasing how they make the chocolates.
Here is an absolutely stunning evening dress inspired by the Ferrero Rocher chocolates.
Line friends are a very popular group of characters originally created as emotes for the Line Messenger. Although in China, WeChat remains a monopoly on the messaging service front, Line is the most used messenger in places like Japan, Korea, Taiwan and even Hong Kong, now there are more than 400 million users of Line. I think these cute characters have a lot to do with the success of Line as they are now synonymous with the app and people identify with Line through these characters. Perhaps Steemit could benefit from having some similar mascots.
These are some cute decorations at the entrance to the Cinema.
This is a video I made of this little journey, it's not very professional but I hope it captures the atmosphere of the streets of Hong Kong. Enjoy!
今天我想继续带Steemit的朋友们逛一逛香港的街道。这是我站在狭窄街道拍摄的楼中楼,本来想参加Steemitphotochallenge,结果由于一直旅游没时间传,就错过了。这个倒影就像一个魔术师,让楼里面长出了楼,因为香港土地金贵,没有足够的空间盖高楼大厦,所以楼和楼盖得非常紧密,我想这样的景象很难在其他城市找到。夜晚的香港街头粉红的霓虹灯很可爱。这个叫SaSa的化妆品店算是香港的特色,几乎每走10米就会撞见一个,比银行,药店都多,从这里是不是看出了香港人好注重化妆。香港商店空间很小,所以就愿意把各种品牌活动的宣传搬到街头。香港人宣传活动好像很喜欢用气球, 娃娃,当然在韩国日本也一样。义务社会服务带着流浪狗狗们出来做活动。就在这样喧闹的街市,一旁还有人在试用VR眼睛。香港的路人非常友善,他们很愿意了解和尝试新鲜的东西。其实这是一个很好的氛围宣传Steemit呢,希望下次可以组个Steemit小分队,来香港街头做宣传。就像这样,哈哈。Line friends是一个亚洲超级火爆的卡通形象,Line原本是日本和韩国开发的手机通讯软件,最吸引人的是软件中的表情贴图,虽然软件起步很晚,但是却用这些可爱的卡通形象俘获了用户的心,很快就有超过4亿的用户。这大概是靠颜值吃饭的软件代表吧!不知道如果Steemit也推出一些有个性的卡通形象会不会吸引更多用户呢?这是我录得小视频,虽然不是很专业但希望能和你们一起分享香港街头欢快的气氛。
Always love your post! Cool photos!
Thanks ! It was hard sorting through the thousands of photos I took in Hong Kong, it's certainly a very scenic and photogenic place!
谢谢啦, 一定要去体验一下 不会有遗憾的!
The Line Mascots are quite cute.
Aren't they!? I probably identify with the line mascots more than the app itself. But in that sense, I think line have come up with a great appeal.
Yes, I agree. I remembered we had a pop up store here.
Don't know if they are still there.
I am so curious when you say " Hong Kong are built so close to each other to try maximise the limited land". I think, it will be look like in Singapore, isn't it?..Well, doesn't matter..I can imagine it, a little..
I always love to see streets light up with neon lights everywhere, my feeling so excited. I don't like shopping too much, but I like walk to see many people on shopping..yeach..just walk, see each other and sit on a moment on my certain cafe.
There is no place like this in my country, and I think my next destination in Hongkong City, hehehee..well thanks for share this great post @sweetssj..Keep travel..
Singapore is another place with a very dense population too, but Hong Kong really is something else. People in Hong Kong often joke about the closeness of buildings in Hong Kong by saying they can reach out of their window and touch the adjacent building. From my own experience, that's almost true!
Much like other cities in the Asian region, Hong Kong does have wonderfully pretty neon lights making for quite the night time light show.
Regardless of shopping though, the streets are always full of people just looking to hustle and bustle. Most people just like to take walks out in the evening or night time because after-all, Hong Kong is a city that never sleeps.
I hope you make a trip to Hong Kong some time, few people have expressed regret !
Beautiful your work lady @sweetsssj the images are very beautiful, excellent chronica of walk, congratulations
Thank you as always jlufer.
Beautiful photos
cool photo
I love Line Characters especially Brown. I Love your posts about travelling even those months back!
You guys make a sweet couple if you're like the mascots :D