Travel with me #96 : The Grand Bazaar and Taksim Square!

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemit friends :


Every time I visit a city, I like to find the places which capture the heart and soul of the city. It doesn't have to be the most recognisable landmarks (although they happen to be a lot of the time). They can be places which intertwine with the local people, through tradition, or habitual way of life. Some of the most interesting places I've visited all over the world are places the locals go to on a day to day basis, because it is a part of their life, their routine.

The Grand Bazaar is one of the places that fit my criteria. Labelled as one of the first shopping malls in the world, The Grand Bazaar is home to over 5000 shops and 61 covered streets. To this day, it is one of the largest covered markets in the world covering an area of over 54,000 square meters and will attract several hundred thousand visitors each and everyday. This magnitude of foot traffic has earned the Grand Bazaar a label as the most visited tourist attraction in the world. Is the Grand Bazaar the most awesome, amazing, fascinating, bargain filled market in the world such that it attracts the visitation of nearly all tourists who pass by Turkey?

Well, let's look around and find out!

The first thing you'll realise is that the Grand Bazaar has many entrances, 18 to be exact. You can enter from nearly all sides depending on where you're setting out from. Some of the entrances have archway style gates whilst others are just door like cut outs.

Once inside, I was very quickly overwhelmed by large it really is. The covered "streets" seem to extend with no end, with shops filling up both sides of every street.

The items in the shops vary quite a bit. At the beginning, I thought it was a jewellery market because the street I walked through first was famous for it's jewellery (Kalpakcilarbasi Street).

Walking further in towards the centre of the market, I realised they sell quite a lot more than that. In-fact, there are lots of locally made Turkish goods to browse through.


As I mentioned earlier, the entire market is covered. Walking around inside feels like navigating around a very large maze. It was however very pleasant looking up, and seeing the Turkish style designs on the ceiling. It's not meant to be a luxury brand market, so the wear and tear is more than forgivable.

One thing you'll quickly realise, is that the Grand Bazaar has become some what a tourist trap these days. Most of the visitors are tourists and so most of the products on sale are also geared towards tourists. Not only are they expensive, many of the stalls sell irrelevant goods that have nothing to do with Istanbul or Turkey.

Up until the middle of the 19th Century, the Grand Bazaar was unrivalled for the quality of it's goods. By the late 19th century, commercial successes of western products forced many of the minority shop keepers out of the Bazaar to open shops more frequented by the Europeans.



Here, you can see one of the many shops selling Turkish ceramics, Turkish Teapots and glasses. Interestingly, the shop to it's side is selling counterfeit goods. It's strange that the authorities seem not to care.


I noticed this stall selling golden oil lamps and instantly thought of Genie lamps!


So many different kinds of Tea sets to choose from. Some of them are made with glass, others made with porcelain. All of them together look like loot from treasure chest don't you think?


These "chandeliers" are quite popular here. They can come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colour. Probably the more popular ones would be the mosaic ones.


Although there is a Spice Bazaar specialising in Turkish spices, there are also stalls selling spices here too. They will happily let you you taste, or try them but you'll find it hard to leave. It's a very mercantile environment!


These are the mosaic chandelier globes I mentioned before. Lovely patterns, and vibrant colours make them stand out amongst the opaque coloured ones.



How could I forget the Nargile Pipes also known as Shisha.



It's not just copper ware, and ceramics, you'll also find some stalls selling textiles.

This is one selling table runners. They are hand made with lots of intricate patterns and embroidery.



One of the many carpet and rugs stalls. This is probably the most popular type of good I've seen inside the Bazaar and indeed in stalls all over Istanbul and many other parts of Turkey.


For the sugar fiends, there is a large stall of all the Turkish delights you could imagine.


You could spend an entire day or more at the Grand Bazaar, exploring deeper into the maze like market but you'll quickly realise that most of the products are the same from stall to stall. There isn't too much variety at the end of the day and there comes a point where pushing and shoving to move around, whilst fending off eager hustling shop keepers becomes tiring. A few hours is more than enough to satisfy your fascination and curiosity of the place, not to mention there are absolutely zero toilet facilities inside.



Taksim Square

Taksim square is another place with very high foot traffic. It's name comes from the fact that it used to be the place where water from the north of Istanbul is collected and then routed to other parts of the city. Thus, the definition of the word "Taksim" - "distribution", makes natural sense.

At the centre of the square is The Monument of the Republic. An important monument which was erected to commemorate the formation of the Turkish republic in 1923.

The statues of the people standing inside the monument are the founders of the republic. One of the most important figures is Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who is seen on two sides of the monument at different periods of his life. He was also the person who commissioned work on the monument.


İstiklal Avenue

Located in the Beyoğlu district, İstiklal Avenue leads to Taksim square, so walking to this street from the square is very easy. One of the most visited streets in all of Istanbul. It reportedly has up to 3 million visitors on the weekends along this 1.4km long street.

Just at the entrance there is this long row of Kebab shops with an equally long and neat row of Turkish flags.

People visit İstiklal Avenue for a variety of reasons. You'll find clothes stores, cafes, clubs, restaurants, cinemas, theatres and much more.

These roasted nut stalls are spread out along the pedestrian area. They remind me a lot of the kind of stalls you'll see in night-markets in Taiwan.

At night time the pretty hanging lights above the street are turned on. Suddenly it feels like it's Christmas. It feels like more people come out at night time than during the day. It could be because of the cooler temperatures.

This cafe had a man pouring honey on their Baklava. From the outside, we could see the honey trickling down before it is scooped up and poured on top again. It was attractive that I immediately went inside to see what else was on offer.

I wasn't disappointed, after a long day of walking around, I was ready to get some sugar replenishment.

Here you can see all the different cakes and desserts sold here. A common theme across all of them is the green Pistachio. Pistachio's are big Turkish produce and is frequently used in a lot of their cakes and desserts.

Sakızlı muhallebi

Ekmek kadayıfı

After the dessert, we decided to walk all the way back to our hotel at Sultanahmet. Walking through the streets of Istanbul suddenly made me feel less touristy, no doubt many of the things the locals take for granted, I find dazzling and very interesting.

One thing I discovered was that the narrow streets of Istanbul seemed to have surprises at every turn. Whilst larger streets draw most of the attention, there are actually hidden bars, cafes and stalls in almost every little street I walked through.

The roads were also exceptionally busy around this time. Many people are only just coming in to the Taksim area for it's buzzing nightlife.

Surprisingly, there are people standing outside of bars drinking. I thought this practice only occurs in places like London.

Night time view across the strait to Sultanahmet

Every few hundred meters or so, you'll come across a Mosque. Most of the people are Islamic, and so the Mosques are an important part of their every day life.

It was interesting seeing these aqueduct ruins preserved underneath the modern bridges.

To reach Sultanahmet from the Pera district, cross a bridge is necessary, unless you are happy to walk tens of kilometers around the strait.

Using only the Hagia Sophia and Blue Mosque as guiding landmarks, we found a suspension bridge that looked safe to cross.

The bridge is actually for the subway station Haliç. Beside the main rail line, there is a pedestrian path across the bridge. No cars can cross over on this one.

As we get closer to the old city, the Mosques come clearer in view. They are illuminated very brightly and are simply beautiful.

Check out the video walking tour! (Surprise ensemble at the end!)

Thank you for joining me on this walking tour of two of the most popular attractions in Istanbul. The Grand Bazaar has over 500 years of history, and fascinates all who visit Istanbul looking for traces of it's trading hub history. It is without a doubt a huge contributor to Istanbul's economy, employing over 26,000 people and constantly being visited by tourists. It is however considered nowadays somewhat a tourist trap. Prices are expensive, the shop keepers are all hustlers, and the products are bland without variety. Definitely at a low from it's hey day from centuries ago.

On the other hand, İstiklal Avenue remains one of the most popular streets in the whole city. It is brimming with nightlife, and constantly full of energy. It is definitely the district for young people who want some excitement. Even if clubs, bars are not your scene. You can always visit the dessert cafes, or restaurants and taste some of those delicious Turkish delights!

Don't forget to vote for this post if you liked it, follow me for more, and leave a comment to let me know what you think!







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i love these kind of bazar!

me too :)

The Grand Bazaar真的讓人看的眼花撩亂,可以看得出當地的經濟活動非常活躍,當地人的手工藝及地方文化也相當傑出。去這裡逛街,就算什麼都沒買,都滿足了視覺上的享受。


hi sweet i also love your look so happy to see all the good vibes of the people...

keep up the good work @sweetsssj

i give u my super power thumbs up ^_^ @sweetsssj

kak vote we donk ...? pliss ...?

Here again I am waiting for. i am so happy for your great journey I am watching from the start to the end of you video and picture it's so much ore huge it's Wowww wonderful it seems i am also with you on this travel. Thank you very much for this lovely journey. every time I have seen like this amazing travel blogs of yours. I am so happy it's blowing my fantasy to the reality. God bless and take good care every travel that you did .hugs @sweetsssj

“一座城市最真实,最接地气的样貌,就是这个城市的集市。”说得真好。在国内时,就很喜欢逛市集。我们那儿每年的四月和十月都会有一次大的市集。周边村庄上的农民和手工艺者们会带着自己的手工艺来到市区里摆摊售卖。现在来到加拿大,有一种叫Farmers' Market 的集市。农民会在这里售卖自家种的农产品。这些地方,总是充满了生机与乐趣,让人流连忘返。:-)

谢谢,是的呢,集市让一座城市充满了生命力,我也非常喜欢逛集市呢 : )

wow! This is amazing. I used to think that Turkey was one "Strict, face covering, Taliban" country where people are very careful how they move, dress etc. From the pictures, I think I'm wrong. I feel like vissiting already. This is cool. keep up the good work sweetsssj.

Great post as always. Feel free to check out my page, I will be writing about my travel adventures as well. Looking forward to reading more of your posts. Ps. Love the photos 😊

I have a good suggestion to make.. Traveling every time is a good thing. But you should add more things to your travels. I think I'll make a post for you..

Travel experiences are unique to each person that undertakes them, this my viewpoint of how things went :)

Can you also visit those in need? Like the orphanage home. You can share some love. It will be a great thing to do @sweetsssj. Steemians will love to see it.

I disagree with you, this is a travel blog where she critiques and depicts the food, landmarks and atmospheres of the places she travels to and this is why people like this blog. Nothing else.

Amazing...amazingggg.... @sweetsssj we like your photo

Yes and you get many experiences if you travel much :-) ... Nice pictures! Thank you for sharing.

NYC fallow me @jeygupt

A very intriguing post, @sweetsssj

I knew nothing of İstiklal Avenue and found that very illuminating - almost like seeing a culture in transition.

The Grand Bazaar I knew about, but obviously my information was old - I am truly saddened to see it degenerate to commercialism and the tourist trade.

And yes, I too was surprised by the government's apparent indifference to shops selling counterfeit goods. They should want to protect their ceramics industry.

On the positive side, I was impressed with the amazing Turkish rugs and the beautiful chandeliers and the desserts looked very appealing!

On a cautionary note, I was concerned for the first time with the narrow and winding night streets. I wondered about your personal security and if you've ever had problems - that might make a good post for your readers.

I guess I just pickup on physiognomy and some of the people in the background of your photos looked intimidating.

Am I being overly sensitive? Sorry if I am, but it was a feeling I just couldn't shake reading this post. Ha ha, should have been a cop LOL!!

A really interesting post, @sweetsssj

This is just amazing!!Great to know ....great to get great to be aware...I recommand Romania you ..and as well at times we will like to see you wearing they traditional are the best ..I appreciat

I really love the Turkish style of clothes, of all the places I have tried to 'fit' into, Turkey has been my favourite ^^

Thank you very much for sharing this Share

I love you to like turkey :)

Amazing pictures! The food and sights look wonderful!

thank you nikethemutt :)

Thanks for another exciting tour! You said that there's little variety of products in the market but your pictures are varied and well-selected! One of the cakes even looks particularly interesting (similar to the Steemit logo).

Oh you know you have such a keen eye.. I haven't noticed the steemit logo on the cake until now. Still, it's more that the kinds of products don't vary too much... Still, it was well worth visiting just to see the scale of it!

Can you show me the way to enhance my steemit income?

very good observation... you seem quite an interesting fellow...will follow and take a look at your blog... nice comment...

The sweets look YUM!!!

I Love it

I was checking out Dtube yesterday, do you use them as well or thinking to post there in the future?

I guess I could post my videos there.. but my videos have always been supplements to my posts so, youtube works for now

Ya, prolly do a video on Dtube for experiment, hehe...i haven't uploaded anything there but looks almost same as Youtube. It works with steemit so it's all good :))

Nice pictures 👍 you really go into detail on your posts. I'm suprised you have time to travel!

Great post @sweetsssj. Turkey is not only great in culture, but also restaurant, encient museum, hotel and culinary are more amazing in the world.

Wow! Turkey still looks like it is full of culture. Hopefully one day I can travel Europe and Asia.

Where abouts are you based?

I’m in the US. Seattle, Washington :)

Is it truth that most Americans live this algoritm: home - car - work - car - home?

Yep. If you can afford the next car/home. Sometimes it's downgrade or move back in with family (Surf your friends couch) kinda thing.

I think this is a really İstanbul story and I suggest the visitor for seen in İstanbul with snow white. In night lights and historical places look like another perspectives. And some population is decreased in streets so feel İstanbul exactly for you.
PS.: If you see snow in İstanbul, be hurry because İstanbul change her white clothes with in two days. image

A very enjoyable trip. all feels beautiful and so charming, it's so cool to realize a dream that we have never felt. best regards @sweetsssj


Wellcome to Our country to TURKEY..You have made nice photos.and Also thank you for introducing İSTANBUL with beautuful photos..

Hello @sweetsssj good moment photo ,you are very beautiful in the photo and very good photography and your journey is always fun and very good in writing words @bilqis07 please you vote me and follow

very much all is beautiful, a class post, where on the next journey are you planning to go?

good question! Got a new location planned, but won't be blogging about that one for a little while yet :)

A smile is the most beautiful form of a human being, and you are the form. You are like a smile and without you smile it always looks beautiful.

Have a nice day!


I really envy you for your style of writing. No wonder that you are most popular travel blogger.

This post almost asnwered my last request to you to share the halal food for moslem steemian travellers, even it isn't in #Taiwan or #China...hehehe

Thanks for sharing this awesome post dear @sweetsssj. Always love ur post and waiting for the next feed...😉

thank you dear, I have written about Halal food a few times in the past. And i'm sure there will be many more times to come in the future, thanks for looking out for it!

Well Jess totally not going to lie but I am jelly of all the adventures you go on. But as always I appreciate them as it gives me ideas of places I might want to check out myself.

THank you bitcoinflood, I'm honestly very happy that you appreciate them. Hopefully one day i'll see your take on some of the places i've visited too, that would be really cool!

That's an awesome idea! Maybe you could call it the @sweetsssj Reverse-Perspective Experience! I take donations for coming up with names, lol, just kidding.

rand Bazaar for window shoping.

Beautiful photo!

Looks simply amazing!

Certainly a very eye catching place, I was caught off guard how big it was!

Looks simply amazing!


Hey sweet @sweeetsssj very best wishes for your travel diary and photographs are awesome and I wish you all the best for that awesome post you posted.

Thank you mam.

Wow @sweetsssj ! Such a grand and colorful place to shop, Very beautiful ! Its unbelievable just how huge it really is , I will definitely have to check this out if I ever visit Turkey , Its now on my bucket list ! Thanks for sharing such an amazing amount of colorful photos with us , I loved the journey !💕✌👍📱📷📷📷📷

Amazing place and great pictures...

Cool! One day I'll visit Turkey. Maybe.

Una gran maravilla todo ese recorrido, ese bazar es como una ciudad

Wow , What a Beautiful And Grand Bazaar . You really enjoyed shopping there , so much to wonder across . Great collection of art and antiques , did you buy a genie lamp? You look totally amazing ,Nice Hat. You rocked on the Bridge , Great work dear friend , amazing post. Loved it. Thanks , have a great day 😊

thanks vikbuddy, i didn't end up buying anything actually. Everything seemed to be a bit too expensive. I felt a little bit turned off by the shop keepers who tried to force their things to me.

You have been flagged, likely because you are attempting to take advantage of the reward pool. Please see my daily post for more detailed reasoning. Thank you.

Life is two moments

Looks like a great please to visit, enjoy it!

Thanks for another exciting tour! Traveling every time is a good thing. Turkey still looks like it is full of life.

You're welcome keks, I totally agree with you about Turkey and it's vitality. Considering the difficulty of navigating between a very diverse population of people ethnically, it also has to deal with the religious diversity and it's effects on government etc.

Grand Bazaar looks great. Istanbul is rich in its history and culture, the stall look nice. As usual, the photos are good.

thanks lifecuiser

Always welcome @sweetsssj ! Keep posting.

@sweetsssj Just another day in Turkey with sweetsssj !!!

very very Beautifull Pics and good enjoy 😍

Agreed. They are great.

wow, your adventure is very fun and interesting. i love food and wish to travel with you so i can taste those tantalizing meal

Makes me hungry. Love it.

Oh wow @sweetsssj what a fantastic place. I would imagine you could spend days exploring everything and browsing around the streets.

When you described the little roads with hidden gems around every corner it reminds me so much of a suburb in cape town called kalk bay. Places like that are so much fun to explore.

You are looking really lovely!! Happy travels until next time lovely xxx

Hi jaynie so lovely to see you still doing well! I've never heard of the Kalk Bay, but if it's anything like the Grand Bazaar, it must be huge, and maybe full of things people might actually want to buy?

Its not so much huge but there is enough stuff crammed into the beautiful shops to fill a massive space. It really is a magical place. Lovely to hear from you x

Reminds me of the town Aladdin ran around in on a magic carpet ride. Love it.

yes, i had the same thoughts too haha :)

❤️wow the Grand Bazaar is so eclectic! I could definitely spend a couple days there exploring! As usual, lovely photos!! I always enjoy reading your posts, you document the experience so well, it feels like I am seeing everything along with you :D! ❤️

thank you polebird! The whole of Istanbul is full of little gems like this. They say it takes a lifetime to explore all of Instanbul, I'm beginning to understand why!

The meaning of life is love and choice and it is all better when shared. Great.

Hello dear @sweetsssj, amazing and attractive photography during your visit i Grand Bazar, i impressed from all the views. your that pic is awsome you looks so cute and lovely here.
2017-11-18 11.16.43.png
Always Appreciate your impressive efforts. my best wishes for you.

aww thank you :)

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