Founders And The Underdog
Traveling the World to Meet With Some of Its Most Brilliant Minds
One brave writer travels the world on a tiny budget to meet, spend time with, and interview influential entrepreneurs, investors, and billionaires who are changing the world—and her.
Founders and the Underdog is a literary experiment – what happens when a young woman, originally from a poor country called Bulgaria, decides to go on a journey around the world on a budget to meet and travel with influential millionaires, investors, billionaires, individuals changing the world, or the next big role-models. She gets these entrepreneurs to tell her their most honest, and in some cases even untold, stories, revealing their personalities and keys to their success, while traveling with them. Her experiences are raw, engaging the characters in deep conversations and allowing the reader to observe a learning curve that changes a person. Founders and the Underdog is more than stories and interviews of successful people. It shares a human-to-human connection, a journey that changes the author, allowing the reader to be a part of it.
I really enjoyed this post,I will be following now so I can see your other work also. @tantra
Thank you, I'll be posting more content soon :)
Wow wonderful this is heaven @tantra
:) thank you
very nice great work! @tantra