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RE: Canals of Bruges, Belgium / Canales de Brujas, Bélgica

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Hello friend!

Really the Spanish name is quite funny because it has nothing to do with the city. Imagine, that like you say, was the word more similar and certainly "puentes" is not a name too nice in Spanish.

Great story that of your search of the appropriate place for you. I am glad that finally you find it. Portugal is a good place!
Though, whenever you want to revisit Spain, you are invited to Malaga :)

Un fuerte abrazo Vincent

P.S: According to Wikipedia Amsterdam is called "The Venice of the North" and also has other nickname incomprehensible to my :D


Hi there,

I also prefer the word 'bruja' over 'puente', even though I prefer bridges over witches, haha! Bridges at least don't curse you ;>)

I am really looking forward to finally live in my new place, here in Portugal and I appreciate your invite to Malaga. Of course, you're also very welcome to stay at my place, whenever you're nearby.

Aqui tienes otro abrazo,


P.S. That other nickname - that I am familiar with - is probably Mokum :>)