A Planned Vacation vs Winging It!

in #travel7 years ago

Snowflakes float past my shop window as I stare out into the village square. Thoughts of warmer days, and riding weather fill my head. Summer is still a fairly long way away, but I can dream.

Over the last several weeks I've been trying to get my crypto accounting under control for the accountant. The process has been absolutely exhausting. Between trading, accounting, twitter, and blogging my days have been completely filled, leaving little time for anything else. When I find myself exhausted and at my wits end, no longer able to take anymore, I focus on thoughts of my planned cross country motorcycle trip from Buffalo NY, to California and along the famous Pacific Coast Highway. Much of this vacation depends on how much I owe the IRS, but as things stand now, it's starting to look good!

In preparation for the trip over the last few nights I began mapping out my vacation. Starting in Buffalo, heading to Colorado. Spending some time in the Rockies, then heading to Utah, through Monument Valley on my way to the Grand Canyon. A couple days of rest in the Canyon, then off to Vegas, check out the old neighborhood where I used to live, drive down the strip, and head out towards Death Valley California. Finally reaching San Francisco, riding up Pacific Coast Highway to Venice Beach, then begin heading back home via historic route 66.

You can see in the image there isn't a lot I want to see between NY and Colorado. If I really push myself the first couple days and not rest much till I get to Colorado, I can take more time at the places I really want to see, and there's a lot of them!

As I plotted out my course the other night it really seemed like a lot of ground to cover on a motorcycle. Even more so after writing it all out like I just did. Last night I asked myself the question, "Do I plan this out, and try to schedule everything in a nice neat little time frame or do I wing the entire vacation and play it by ear?" The more I thought about it the more I decide to just wing it. Hop on my motorcycle and start riding! No plan and a basic map to guide me on my way.

A) I think this will be a really adventurous way to take a trip. No plan, just the Dood, his motorcycle, some camping equipment and google maps! LOL. What could possibly go wrong ?

B) I have too many places I want to see. A schedule doesn't seem reasonable, and chances are I'll be cutting out a destination or two. I also have to take into consideration, weather and driving conditions. Why burden myself with a schedule if I can't even control the elements of nature. If I get tired I can camp, if it's raining I can get a room, if I check on the crypto markets and need to make some trades, I can pull over and make some trades. A schedule just doesn't fit the plan!

So as I laid in bed contemplating planned vs unplanned I decided a plan was not part of the plan. I already have someone to house sit, and take care of my cat. I want to squeeze in as much as I can in 4 weeks time. If I need additional time I can take it. I think my only plan currently is to high tail it out of NY state, and really push myself to about Missouri or Colorado. Back in my rave days I seen most of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and everything looks about the same till you hit the Ozarks. Once I hit Missouri,get off the main highways, hit some back roads, scenic byways, and state routes and take my time. When I get there I get there.

I think it's good to have a plan but in this instance I think not having one will be funner. I can just travel at my leisure, no time frame, stop when I want, camp when I want, rest when I want, with nobody to answer to but me.

Thanks for reading. If you want to find out more about my travel plans and research, I've been using a tumblr to post research, videos, links, and anything else I feel might be useful for the trip. https://the-dood-travels.tumblr.com/


Have a great vacation. You deserve it

Thanks! It's not set in stone yet, but I'm working really hard on pulling this off. Probably around September 2018. It's great to see you on here. Welcome to Steemit!

So glad you've decided to wing it. So much more fun and you haven't got to worry about getting anywhere by a certain time.

I winged it from Seattle to LA a number of years ago, with my 18 month old, and we ended up staying in some amazing unplanned places.

I was in a car rather than on a bike but the Pacific Highway was absolutely stunning. We just stopped a lot along the way.

I'm sure you'll have a great time!

That's awesome. I'd love to drive all the way up to Seattle too, but that's just not in the plan. I never made it up as far as Seattle & Oregon, would love to travel that part of the country sooner or later.

This whole thing started because I wanted to check out PCH, then I decided on the extra destinations along the way.

I think unplanned is always best for adventures :) Do you have any must see tips for places to check out along PCH?

I can't really remember now. It was a long time ago. The red woods stick in my memory and the coast but you can see that from the road and just stop when you want to.

We stayed in an amazing youth hostel I remember which you might be able to find. It was in a building joint to a lighthhouse and had a hot tub on the cliff top.

Sitting in the tub with a load of fellow travellers, drinking beer and watching the light pan across the water and then disappear into the darkness was pure magic and something I'll never forget.

Another place that's not on the PCH and is not well known is a derelict mining town called Bodie. It's in northern CA so might be too far north for you this time. But put it on your list.

The towns folk just upped and left at the end of the gold rush and, because the town is far from the main route, it's been preserved very much as it was. There are clothes still hanging on the back of doors and books in the school room.

We heard about it from a UK friend. None of our friends in the US had heard of it!

The Redwoods are definitely on my list of things to see. Just added Bodie to my map. That looks really interesting. I may just keep adding places to see, then decide as I travel what I feel up to.

I can't wait for my first sun set on the coast! Magical is probably the perfect word to describe it too. Thanks for the ideas, much appreciated :)

You're welcome! Looking forward to reading all about it. And thanks for the upvotes. They are very much appreciated! 😊

I like to plan, but winging it can be fun too. You never know what you might find along the way. Follow your instincts

That's the plan. The no plan, plan LOL. Instincts rarely let you down :) I'll plan out preparations, but no set times, or destinations.