Oh, what a pretty place! I'd never heard of a cenote until just a month or two ago, when there was a television show on PBS about them and how prevalent they are in the Yucatan. They said new ones are being discovered all the time, and divers go into them and map them. They also said that the cenotes are all connected, via an underground river of fresh water. It was fascinating!
Love your photos! I'm so glad that you are still finding fun things to do there! Sometimes the simple things are the best! 😊
Thank you so much @thekittygirl, and I need to apologize for the late reply! I somehow missed a handful of comments here!
That's so cool that you just saw a show on cenotes and then I post about them! I've heard that they're all connected too ... it is really fascinating. There are some you can go into, cave-like, but underwater and apparently the snorkeling is amazing! Not sure if I'm up to that one haha