It was a last-minute call to go to Eureka and play keyboards with the Crescent City Combo on Saturday night, so off I went.
The town is located in Northwest Arkansas, USA, called Eureka Springs, and is the oddest of places. I arrived a bit early for the gig and walked up a hill, then down one, then back up, and then back down to the club where we were booked.
Everything here is built into the sides of extremely sharp inclines, but as they say here in the hills, every slope that you have to climb, you get a nice rest going down the next one.
I parked about halfway up the side of the valley, and found some curiously tall images right away:

Couldn't resist snapping some shots of the ruins that can be found around Eureka Springs.
Various building styles over the years
Climbing upward, I found the club that we would be playing at: Chelsea's:
Eureka Springs is an artsy town, there's really no place quite like it.
A look back down the hill:
Old paint

Up above those first pics is where the business and entertainment strip is. The following pictures are taken on the way down this peculiar part of the world.
A look back up...
...and down we go some more:
Down there is where we started:

Down some more...

A few more shots, and I'd better get back to the club to set up the piano and organ. Down a little more...
There's lots more down around the springs, but it was time to play, so here's the keyboards at Chelsea's:
And here's proof that I was the one playing those keys that Saturday night in Eureka Springs.
Thanks for coming along, I'll go back and tour the lower part of town around the famous springs of Eureka Springs soon.
all photos above are mine, 2018

That looks like an awesome place! Now where is the recording of you playing, hmm? lol
we're back- processing everything, but home ;)
The people who live in that town are unique, every one-- even more unique than most-- the locals fit the curious design of the town, it's always a trip to visit there. Oh and there IS a recording of the first song, it was supposed to be for me to practice the tunes to at home, but I haven't figured out this camera yet- it stops itself often, and doesn't seem to auto-focus in that video mode.
I know you must be glad to be home, and out of that car! And more internet! So this means I can write longer messages and replies. You must have enough photos to post for weeks about that epic ride and all of the little stops in the wild west, and then up into the top left portion of the map- looking forward to those! Or is it going to be one epic post? Nice to hear you are back home, and back here- it gets lonesome 'round here!
Seeing this city for the first time nice clicks from there have a great time there :)
Is Eureka Springs like close to the Canadian border? The name sounds really familiar to me.
Eureka Springs is located more in the central US, top left corner of Arkansas.
@therealpaul this architecture is really aswesome. How old is architecture....................
I think the oldest stone work is from around the 1890's to 1900, so just over 100 years old.
this looks like a beautiful place with personality. Would be fun to visit. Thanks for the great photos @therealpaul
It is fun, always a trip.
I drove by Eureka Spring several times but really did not thoroughly tour the town like you did here.
Interesting captures of the town.
It really takes a day to see all of the twists and turns down in that valley, and there's a loop around town with some amazing houses.
Good to see you again. Your post has not popped onto my feed for a long time...why?
Busy this summer, hardly have time to write lately, but I'll not stay away for long!
I will be waiting to see those springs!
Some of the best parts are down in that valley, I'll definitely do a part 2 some time soon.
Love that town! Did you explore the tunnels?!
I think I've heard of the tunnels, but haven't been in them-- like service and maintenance tunnels under the buildings, or natural tunnels around the springs?
Former secret tunnels between buildings and former roads/sidewalks that were buried after a landslide.